OOS Chances?

<p>2270 first time SAT- will take again this October. 800 CR 690 Math (OH MY GOD, I choked big time on that section) 780 Writing</p>

<p>3.875 semi-weighted (I don't know how UW does it; I gave myself +.5 points for AP, nothing for honors, etc) GPA. 5 AP's through junior year (APHUG-4, AP World-5, APUSH-5, AP Chem-5, AP Lang-5). 3 more AP's first semester of this year (Calc AB, Microecon, Lit), 4 more next semester (Psych, Physics C, US Gov, Calc BC) for a total of 11 AP's.</p>

80+ volunteering hours at library
volunteer for political campaign
a couple years of baseball
NO clubs
a couple of school wide awards
Advanced to the county level for GHP</p>

<p>it may be easier out of state but dont quote me on that</p>

<p>i had almost identical stats as you and probably worse extra curriculars and i got in</p>

<p>make sure you focus on your essays and your chances are pretty good id say</p>

<p>Don’t even try to self-weight your GPA. The focus is on unweighted and then they will look at course rigor. A “safer” unweighted GPA is 3.75. Not suggesting you won’t get in with something less, from my high school, 3.75 seemed to be a breakline. I’m sure it varies.</p>

<p>Our experience in last year’s application process was that UW looks at unweighted gpa, and takes into account rigor. Most admits that we saw were above 3.6 unweighted, though certainly were some lower than that (including my son, who counts his lucky stars he was admitted with a 3.5 unweighted (4.1 weighted) and 30 ACT. </p>

<p>OOS applicants face tighter standards, not easier ones, than instate.</p>

<p>Do focus on your essays, tailor them specifically to UW and do not just cut and paste from other applications. Submit teacher recommendations even though, at least last year, they were optional (and, if your application is otherwise complete, they will not wait for the recs to come in to review). </p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>Definitely agree on the OOS being tougher…much tougher.</p>