Chances for Senior

<p>Hi, I am senior and I am still awaiting for acceptance letters. I want to do Information Technology as my major. I know I am late but I was still researching colleges for my major. I applied to colleges that are around NYC and also offers Information Technology Major. One note: you know that MIT is good for engineering. So, which college is best for Information Technology around NYC. I am not getting any good news from any colleges that I applied to. Here is the list colleges I apllied to with Rejected/No Response Yet:</p>

<p>Rutgers University Newark:Rejected
Saint Peters College: Rejected
New Jersey Institute of Technology:Rejected ;(
Kean University: No Response Yet</p>

<p>You been thinking wow.
Here my SAT scores

<p>And my GPA is:3.5</p>

<p>I found out St.Johns and NYU offer Information Technology. Am I too late for admission for either of colleges. Do u think I stand a chance for these colleges. So, which college is best for Information Technology around NYC.</p>

<p>For example, I don't have chance to get in St.Johns and NYU. What are other best colleges around NYC based on my sat and gpa would be great for me and also offer B.S or higher in Information Technology. </p>

<p>Sorry So many Questions in forum. but I don't have choice I am getting worried as June approaches and still not getting into any good colleges. Plus I am getting mad how much money I spent from my own pockets into colleges.</p>

<p>With those SAT scores your best bet is honestly to go to community college for two years then transfer in. Your scores are incredibly low and almost no college would take them. Your GPA is good but that seems to be a reflection of pure grade inflation. Even if you could apply late to schools they just wouldn’t be able to take those scores. Honestly, after 2 years of Community College they won’t look at your scores, and if you get good grades there you stand a chance at getting into a good university after.</p>

<p>so there no chances to get in any of the colleges. Please I need help.</p>

<p>itgeek: Like nyc2013 said…go to a community college, work very hard, take the most challenging courses that will work for what you want to do. Community colleges work for lots of people and are a very good economic bargain. And the best part is after two years at a cc, a 4 year school will not be interested in your SAT scores.</p>

<p>Go to Rockland Community College. You can go to any university you like from this community college. It is near NYC too</p>

<p>Sorry to say this but with your sat scores, i think it is wiser to go to a community college and then transfer. From your gpa (assumed it is without inflation) is pretty decent and that means you have the ability to work hard at school just not efficient in test-taking you will probably find success in a community college. After this, you can transfer to NYU is possible.</p>

<p>I agree with jerryh11110839: I am excellent student in Highschool but my SAT Scores are affecting me.
So let me get it right based on my SAT Scores I will not able to get in colleges expect for community colleges. I need to go to college arrgh! Oh wait if I take SAT again and improve my score would I still able to get into these colleges or is it too late. Do I have choice to send another SAT score to the collgese above and hopefully get into college. Or Not take SAT and Do community college. </p>

<p>If I take community college road in my freshman year and then transfer over to colleges. Would I still considered as a 2nd year of college student and would I still able maintain sophmere year in any colleges. I am worried that I am going to community college and it’s considered not a smart people college.</p>

<p>Yes, scoring only 510 points over the lowest possible score will keep you out of college. If you are a senior now it is too late to take them again. If you go to CC and transfer you will be considered a sophomore/ junior, but if you try to transfer in as a sophomore your SAT’s will be considered. You need to go to Community College for two years so that schools don’t see them.</p>

<p>I just founded out that there are other colleges that are Proprietary colleges such as DeVry University,Berkeley College… are they good for my major which is Information Techolnogy. Are they similar to regular public or rivate colleges.</p>

<p>If Proprietary colleges are good should I go there or community colleges. Then I would transfer over to colleges.</p>

<p>There are four year universities that you have a chance at: </p>

<p>Pace University
CW Post
Tuskegee University
Adelphi University CGS

<p>These are only a few- there are many more you can look into!</p>

<p>Good luck</p>

<p>Proprietary colleges are one option. They are not as good as regular 4 year universities and are very different from typical colleges. They are essentially a business, run completely for profit. If you want to get the full accreditation of going to college the best thing you could do would be to go to CC then to a 4 year school or apply to colleges that don’t look at testing scores.</p>

<p>**applied, “am a senior,” waiting for, also offer, “you have been,” “other good colleges,” “that would be,” there are no chances, “I am an excellent student,” effecting, into any colleges, founded= found</p>

<p>My point is that there are a lot of spelling and grammar mistakes, not just the ones listed, and if people are going to give you the respect of answering your questions you should give us the respect of speaking correctly.</p>