Chances for some East Coast schools?

<p>Dear 0987654321,</p>

<p>As you requested, I incorporated your scores, GPA, leadership, and extracurriculars into a systematically devised function of calculatory means that I developed to precisely calculate percent chance of admission to various universities in the US and abroad. The results are as follows (these are the percent chances that you will be accepted at the below named institutions of higher educatory education):</p>

<p>Johns Hopkins University: 36.027%
Cornell University: 41.286%</p>

<p>** Your additional requested universities are too vague or undefined for calculatory evaluation. As I’ve stated numerous times in the past, it is a waste of my time to try to sit here and figure out what your abbreviations mean. Please use the full college or university name. If you want to specify the other universities that you requested, please do so and I will try to get to them later this week.**</p>

<p>Please note that these are only derived from my own personal formula which seems to accurately predict admissions chances pretty well. Hope that helps!</p>

<p>UMD: Safety
Chapel Hill: Match
UVA: High Match/Low Reach.
Hopkins: Reach
Cornell: High Reach.
Penn: I don’t think so :(</p>

<p>Maybe think of another safety school.</p>

<p>As requested, here are the other universities: </p>

<p>University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill): 53.760%
University of Virginia: 49.361%
University of Maryland (College Park): 89.699%
University of Pennsylvania: 29.043%</p>


<p>Officially Editor-In-Chief next year. Will that help my cause?</p>

<p>UMD: Safety
UNC: Match (maybe high match because you are out of state)
UVA: Match
Penn: Reach
Hopkins: High match
Cornell: Low reach</p>