<p>Standardized Tests:<br>
SAT I: Verbal: 680 Math: 670 Writing: 700
SAT II: Math IC 720 Math IIC 680<br>
ACT: 29 (not sending it b/c the science section was very very low)</p>
GPA: 3.611/4.0 (weighted, but we don't have unweighted)
Class Rank: 43 out of 208 students.</p>
<p>Extracurricular Activities:<br>
Ski Club- member (4 years)
Project Harmony- member (3 years) committee chair this year (I share this position with 2 of my friends, and we divide the work equally- it's an organization of about 70 people)
SADD- 2 years
Girl Scouts- 13 years (I have 60 volunteer hours from Girls Scouts from 9th through 11th grade)
Work at Hospital- volunteer- 55 hours as 10/1/06 (hoping for 60+ by the time I apply)
Softball- 11 years (2 for school, 1 summer league, 8 little league)
Field Hockey- 2 years (1 year JV and 1 JV and Varsity)
Book Club- member (2 years)
Various Art Classes in school and out of school (pottery, photography, drawing, painting)
I attended religious school through confirmation (10th grade), and substitute for Sunday School (it's very hard to get a full time job doing this)- 3 hours a week/10 years and aiding 11 hours total
I will be in NAHS in 12th grade
I will try to get into NHS in 12th grade, but they are a bit corrupt in my school, so I doubt they'll let me in
Certified Scuba Diver, though I have only been on 7 dives or so.</p>
<p>Awards and Recognitions:<br>
Academic Art Award (for 11th grade)- school-wide competition
Girl Scout Silver Award- for community service with girl scouts
Exhibiter at York Art Association Open Juried Exhibition (Mid-Atlantic Art Show by invitation only)</p>
<p>I visited Rochester 3 times in total- twice for info sessions/ tours and once for an overnight and class visit. I wasn't able to interview when I visited, but will be doing an off-campus interview on the 4th of November in Harrisburg. I plan to bring my art portfolio w/ 12 of my photographs and a copy of the religious school cover that I drew this summer.</p>