<p>Location: Long Island, New York
GPA: 4.0 Weighted, 3.7 Unweighted
Class Rank: Not sure, but I'll most likely fall in the top 15% of my class
SAT: 2090: 630 Math (hopefully going up once results come out), 680 CR, 780 W
ACT: 29 (Mostly using it as a substitute for SAT2s)
SAT2: Bio- 600 World History -730
APs: 7
AP World: 4
AP Environmental Science: 5
AP Language: 5
Ethnicity: Mexican-American</p>
Swarthmore ED
George Washington University
New York University
SUNY Geneseo
Suny Stony Brook
Suny Binghamton
Macaulay Honors Program at Cuny</p>
<p>Senior Year Courseload:
AP Gov
AP Lit
AP Bio
AP Calculus
Essay Writing Class </p>
<p>•Journalism related
°Editor in Chief of School newspaper after joining junior year
°Created an online website for school newspaper
°Writer for NEOS magazine
°Blogger for local patch, started program with patch allowing students from the high school to detail their college search process</p>
<p>•DECA (business/marketing club)
°Leadership postions sophomore/junior year
°Vice President Senior Year
°Placed in top 10 for Advertising Campaign at State Competition</p>
<p>•National Honor Society
°Member Sophomore-junior year, Treasurer Senior year</p>
<p>•Drama Club
°Secretary junior year, treasurer senior eyar
°Participation and several leads in both shows per year</p>
<p>• Vocal
°Audition only choir section leader junior-senior year
°All County Choir (competitive music event) freshman-senior year
°All State Choir senior Year
°Four year member of pop choir</p>
<p>• Community Service
°100+ Hours through DECA, charity walks, beautification projects, senior center volunteer work
°100+ hours at temple, tutoring Hebrew and assisting teachers</p>
<p>• Summer Activities
°Worked at day camp for two years as a counselor (summer of sophomore and junior year), will work there again this year
°Robert W. Greene Institute for High School Journalists @ Stony Brook University, a competitive journalism program</p>
<p>I think my biggest disadvantage will be my GPA, which puts me just behind the average applicants to a lot of these schools. Thanks in advance for any advice.</p>