Chances for Transfer

<p>I'm looking to transfer from the college I'm currently in to UMiami. I applied early action last year and I didn't get in and I decided to go to another college, but I'm thinking about transferring for the next fall semester. I did average in high school, but I'm working very very hard in college so I can transfer to UM. I would also be an in-state student because I'm a Florida resident. </p>

<p>Major: Public Relations and Psychology
High School: Medium sized public high school
GPA: 3.45 GPA
AP's: 3 on AP French and 5 on AP Spanish
ACT: 26</p>

<p>EC's: Yearbook section leader, volunteered at ESL center, volunteered as a church leader, member of Spanish and French club, member of Cultural Awareness club. Participated at a summer program at UM before my senior year.</p>

<p>College: I prefer not to say, but it's a small, private college and it's growing and becoming very competitive.
GPA: Expecting a 3.7
Summer session: 3 courses, received 8 credits
Fall Semester: 5 courses, total of 17 credits
Spring Semester: I'll be taking 6 courses for a total of 18 credits</p>

<p>I'll have a total of 49 credits by the end of my Freshman year!</p>

<p>EC's: Habitat for Humanity, French club, member of the PRSSA (Public Relations Student Society of America, Big Brother/Big Sister, and planning on rushing in the spring.</p>

<p>Please? Could someone tell me if I at least stand a chance applying for next fall? My grades in college are great, it’s my high school grades I’m worried about.</p>

<p>I don’t know too much about transfer admissions, but I think that you’ll get in. Best of luck!</p>