Chances for Trinity? Plus a question about life at Duke

<p>hey, can anyone give me an idea of where I stand for Duke admissions?</p>

<p>I am a female of the Caucasian persuasion. NJ resident and senior at a large, not-notably-rigorous high school. A-/B+ average freshman year but sophomore through senior year I got all As.
My weighted GPA is 5.2, unweighted is around 3.9
rank is 6/360, top 2% (likely to go up to 3 or 4 after this semester. idk if that matters though...)
"toughest courseload" = 8 APs in total, 3 last yr + 5 this yr</p>

<p>sat= 2340 (math 750, cr 800, wr790)
sat2 chem= 770
US history= 790
mathII= 780</p>

<p>I think I want to be an econ major, but I will probably go in undeclared.</p>

<p>ECs: Mock trial attorney, miscellaneous community service stuff, tutor in math and ESL, internship at gov't office, edit a section of newspaper, summer programs & jobs, NHS, president of math club (not a very contested position, haha) I have taken art forever and I am sending a visual art portfolio supplement (it looks pretty good, but I never did any serious art competitions). I don't think my ECs will get me in but they are there.</p>

<p>Interview was good, but nothing that'll tip the scales for admission. Same with my supplement essay.</p>

I've heard mixed things about Duke's social scene. Is it really a competitive, status-centric school? Some people seem to think that the student body is superficial, while others love it, so I'd like to hear more about this before I decide if Duke is my numero uno. I live in an ethnically/culturally diverse, middle-class area, and I'm not really into shopping or anything so I'm a little worried I won't fit in. Hopefully this is just a stereotype though... Any input?</p>

<p>p.s. I will chance back if you want</p>

<p>i don’t understand. if you are capable of chancing others, why can’t you chance yourself? Besides, apps are in, relax, and just wait, for there is not much more you can do at this point.</p>

<p>w00t for Mock Trial!!! We’ve got District this weekend :)</p>

<p>I think you’re in.
And yes, I’ve heard that Duke is very status-centric/social ladder-climbing from almost every credible source, including my friends as eyewitnesses haha</p>

<p>Rolling Stone has a great article about it: [Sex</a> & Scandal at Duke : Rolling Stone](<a href=“Music News”>Music News)</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure you’re in. You have really good stats. :)</p>

<p>thanks, all!</p>

<p>amc, I know, I know, post-application chance posts are idiotic, but college admissions is such a crapshoot, and the uncertainty is nerve-wracking. Also, I can generally chance people for colleges in northern US 'cause thats where people from my school go, but i have no idea about Duke. I don’t think anyone from my high school has even applied, ever.</p>

<p>Hookem, good luck at districts! Our team just got eliminated 'cause we went up against the #1 team in the state. I think my mom would fall over if she saw that article… you should read ‘I Am Charlotte Simmons’-- it’s set in a fictional college modeled after Duke, and all about that culture. I hope it isn’t THAT accurate.</p>

<p>So I’m hoping there are regular people there too?</p>

<p>Thanks for the good luck wishes! I’m from Texas, and Mock Trial here is uber-legit. State is ridiculously competitive. If we get top 3 and I get a bid for Top Advocate, I’ll be happy :)</p>

<p>hahaha my parents are totally in the dark when it comes to the different social climates of all my prospective schools…except Vandy. They know it’s a Greek school. But yeah, they would die if they read that article. Hate to break it to ya, mom and dad, but sex happens at every college (well…maybe not at UofC! hehe I kid :))</p>

<p>That Rolling Stones article is crap and not representative of Duke as a whole. It’s just a sensationalist article to sell more magazines. EVEN the author said that to the Duke newspaper - she said her version was more toned down and the editors made it seem like a widespread experience at Duke - no joke. It’s representative of a very very small fraction of the Duke student body, so I’m not saying it doesn’t happen at all. I’d say less than 50 people per year (or 3% of the student body). And I’m saying this as somebody who has friends in the “Core Four.” There are PLENTY of regular people who don’t care about social status. Don’t worry - you’ll fit in fine. That’s one thing I especially like about Duke - the diversity of types of people (not talking from a race standpoint). There are plenty of nerds, jocks, Greek people, non-Greek people, bookworms, partiers, athletic people, artsy people, etc. But pretty much everybody is smart! By the way, only 30% of males are Greek and around 40% of females. And there are some very “non-Sorority” sororities and “non-Fraternity” frats (as in, they wouldn’t exist at a big state school because they are the antithesis of a stereotypical sorority/frat). And I Am Charlotte Simmons is modeled only off of Duke from the perspective that the architecture is cool Gothic, the b-ball team is good, etc. :wink: It’s also not a “typical” Duke experience.</p>

<p>Oh, and I think your chances are good.</p>

<p>^^ I actually know someone who goes to U of Chicago and had sex… with a hasidic jew.
haha college is an interesting experience</p>

<p>as for Duke social life, it seems like the jury’s still out. I’ll have to go check it out for myself if i get in.</p>

<p>haha, I don’t think I would call that a “great article.” Although it does make me laugh, specifically hearing the author try to describe Shooters lol.</p>

<p>It’s extremely sensationalist and was clearly just written to try to present a new angle on Duke after the lacrosse incident in order to sell more magazines. </p>

<p>And I think you’re in too. 2300+ tends to do the trick.</p>

<p>To whatever extent of truth that article has, it has persuaded me to not attend Duke if I were to be admitted. Now chances are I’m not getting in anyway so it won’t be too much of a concern, but still. I mean I’m not conservative, anti-party by any means (as probably one may recognize by my username), but that article really disgusted me. </p>

<p>The last thing I want to deal with in college is more dumb skanks, I’ve seen enough in high school.</p>

<p>^Duke is a top-10 university, and most people there score 2100+ on the SATs. I don’t think “dumb skanks” should deter you from matriculating
maybe just smart skanks, haha
When events like those mentioned in the article happen at community colleges, no one even bats an eye. Why do people have higher expectations for the ridiculously rich and smart kids at duke? Kids are kids…</p>

<p>People keep giving me different answers, I don’t know whether the social scene is nauseating or great! ahh</p>

<p>Ok so now, with 1st semester, I’m ranked 3rd. Does this make a difference? Does Duke look at your 6th or 7th semester transcripts for admissions decisions?</p>