I have more of a statement, and then an actual question. I want your guys’ opinion on this. Thanks in advance! 
I recently got notified of my acceptance into UT Austin, the college of liberal arts-geological sciences (I’m changing); however, my first-choice major was was in the college of natural sciences in biology. They said that I could do a pre-health professions certificate even though I will be a non-CNS major, or I can apply for internal transfer after my freshman year; however, that is not guaranteed. I really want to become a vet, and I’m strong in both chemistry and biology as well as my math classes, my ACT score is not up to par. They said a lot of people who aren’t Biology majors still get into Vet school, and with that route I’m thinking that I should volunteer a lot at vet clinics and get good letters to increase my chances later as a non-CNS major. What’s your opinion?
I’ve applied to UC Davis and UC San Diego, I won’t know until at least mid-March.
GPA: 4.34/5.5
I’ve taken a total of 10 AP classes.
I’ve had 6 years of math (taking 2 my senior year), 5 years of science, 4 years Spanish, 3 years French, 4 years English, and 4 years S.S (These weren’t all AP some were PAP). Others were my extracurriculars.
70+ hours volunteering, mainly at the hospital.
I will be a member of NHS for 2 years as of May 2015.
Now for the awful beyond awful part… ACT 24. My SAT scores were too embarrassing for me to even consider reporting.
I looked up on UCSD’s website that GPA,ACT,essays and app really matter…class rank is nothing…with that my ACT score is really poor and I’m so afraid that I won’t get in. I still included everything anyways and Davis is my first choice. Give me an honest answer of my chances, thanks. 
You will really need a solid GPA to compensate for that ACT. What’s your UC GPA? I don’t really understand how the max GPA can be a 5.5, based on the numbers you provided.
My school has a grading system where it goes up to a 5.5, but that doesn’t really make sense to me either… I think it’s rather a 5.0…I think my GPA for the UC’s, on their scale is a 3.85…I’m not really sure how to determine that.
Add up all the total grade points using all your grades in each semester with A=4.0, B=3.0, c=2.0, etc… Next, add 1 additional point for each approved Honors/Ap/IB course up to a maximum of 8 total pts (i.e. 4 AP classes in one year would total to 8 semesters). Then find the weighted average by dividing that total sum over the number of courses completed.
Easier, there are online calculators online for computing weighted UC GPA.
Thanks :), and if I did it correctly… I got a 3.92 as my UC GPA.
Hmm… 4.08 GPA with a 24 ACT. Your GPA is around the 30th percentile, but your ACT is considerably lower – probably 10th percentile.
The website gives you stats of the incoming freshman class from last year. Scroll down to check out the averages. You might have a hard time getting in, but there’s hope. I’d say high match to low reach
No, I recalculated it’s a 3.92 UC gpa.
Oh. Low reach then I believe.
I didn’t really understand that terminology. Yeah, it will be difficult. Thanks 
Your ACT score is a huge downer as for the fact that those colleges look up to the standardized test scores first and foremost.
UC Davis might be a high match for you - it’s very possible, but certainly not guaranteed that the student will get in.
UCSD I’d say low reach - it is a gamble as to if the person is to get in.
best of luck.
Thanks, I know stressing won’t help any, but I just want to see where I stand.
I’m considered in-state for my Dad’s residency, I spoke with them about that.
I think UCSD and UCD could go either way 50/50 with the ACT score plus Biology is very competitive at both schools. Good Luck
I really appreciate it, but I’m very sure that I won’t get in. I might apply as a transfer later or do internal transfer at UT.
I think UCSD will be somewhat of a reach because I have a 25 act and 4.2 UC GPA and I am just hoping to get in UC Davis for biochem. Can’t imagine myself getting accepted to UCSD.
I didn’t think you would be instate because it is usually the custodial parents residence that is considered. You need to check with the UC system, not just the individual school.
Your ACT is just too low for those schools. Being honest here: the UC’s are uber competitive and you won’t be able to keep up with the work level if your score is a 24 and you can’t list your SAT. Veterinary medicine will be tough.
Your grades don’t match your test scores so the schools will wonder if your school is over-rating your ability.
It’s alright, honesty is appreciated. No it’s not over-rating, I’m a hard worker and I earn those grades with loads of studying, taking detailed notes, & asking for help when needed (but yeah they won’t know that).I prepped for the ACT, and I’m not a very good test taker it seems. On the practice I scored 27-28 multiple times, not great but better. For some they have great test scores and not so great gpa’s and for others, like me, it’s the opposite. My parents are still married, they just live apart for work reasons which is why I’m considered in-state.
I was waitlisted at both UC Davis and UCSD, but rejected by UCSB… I thought that SD and Davis were more selective than SB, so I dont really understand how that went down… I was an electrical engineering applicant with a 3.75 uw, 4.21 w, 2200 SAT, 200+ EC, 4 yr track athlete, and involved in a lot of clubs. Does someone please know why I got these decisions, I am just so confused. Please help!