Chances for UC Davis, Irvine, Santa Barbara

Asian Male from a very competitive high school in California
Major: Microbiology
UW GPA: 3.6
W GPA: 3.86
SAT: 1450, 800(Math 2)
ACT: 33
Courseload: AP Physics 1, AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Statistics, AP CSA, AP Calculus AB
-Microbiology research with well-known biotech company past summer
-VP of Medical Club
-DECA ICDC Finalist 2 years
-Track and Field Varsity(11th grade), JV(9-10)
-Volunteer as a basketball coach for local summer camps (200+ hours)
-Volunteer as robotics teacher at local summer camps (100+)
-Biology and Physics tutor
Very strong essays and LORs
Please let me know what my chances are for each of the colleges listed in the first line!
TYSM :slight_smile:

UC unweighted, capped weighted and fully weighted GPA?

If you attend a competitive HS, then that will be taken into consideration but a Capped weighted GPA below 4.0 is below the 25th percentile for all but UC Santa Cruz, Merced and Riverside.

Your test scores are competitive and in range for your target schools but UC’s tend to be very GPA focused. Your research can make you stand out from many of the top applicants and other than your GPA, you look like an overall solid applicant.

Here is some statistical data (most current year 2018) for the UC’s and hopefully you have a couple of safety schools on your list.

2018 Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19 capped weighted and not major specific:
UCSB: 38%
UCD: 41%
UCI: 38%

2019 UC capped weighted GPA averages along with 25th-75th percentile range:
UCSB: 4.16 (4.04-4.28)
UCI: 4.13 (4.00-4.25)
UCD: 4.13 (4.00-4.26)

25th - 75th percentiles for ACT composite + language arts
UCSB: 26-34
UCD: 24-33
UCI: 24-34

Best of luck.

A sub 4 UCGPA will make them all tough admits for you. UCR, UCM, SDSU are more likely to admit you.

apply broadly and good luck

is it easier to receive admission to the schools I listed because I am applying as a microbiology major, I have done published research with microbiology.

@brement: For UCI, they admit into the University first and then into the major. Microbiology is an option for the Biological Sciences major so you are competing with all the Biology majors.
Last years averages for enrolled UCI Biology majors was Average SAT of 1276 and Average Capped weighted UC GPA was 4.05. Enrolled stats are usually lower than admit stats.

For UCSB, you are admitted as a Pre-Biology major not directly to Microbiology. Also Biology is in the College of Letters and Sciences which does not admit by major so not an easier admit since you are competing with all majors in that College.

All freshmen requesting any of the 10 biology majors are admitted to the BA as Pre-Biology Majors. The Pre-Biology Major includes the preparatory coursework in chemistry, mathematics, physics, and introductory biology common to all the biology majors. Students declare their BS or BA degree objective and their specific biology major once this common coursework is completed, usually at the end of their sophomore year.

UC Davis admits all the following majors into the College of Biological sciences so there is no easier vs harder major. You are competing against all of these majors.
College of Biological Sciences::
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Major)
Biological Sciences (Major)
Cell Biology (Major)
Evolution, Ecology and Biodiversity (Major)
Genetics and Genomics (Major)
Marine and Coastal Science—Marine Ecology and Organismal Biology (Major)
Microbiology (Major)
Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior (Major)
Plant Biology (Major)
Undeclared—Life Sciences (Major)

That said, having Microbiology research will make you stand out from many of the applicants so a bump for you but no guarantees but you are still in the running.

What other schools did you apply and do you have some safeties? What do you plan to do with a Microbiology major? I was a Microbiology major/Chemistry minor many years ago so just curious.

@Gumbymom tysm for thee information

I agree with @gumbymom - Having published research in the field will help but its hard to say how big of an impact it will have. Largely due to the vast number of applications they get, UCs are very GPA focused. They simply don’t have time to dig into the nuances of every applicant’s lives when there’s a huge stack of objectively qualified applicants they can let in. In theory UCs know which High schools are the most competitive and adjust the threshold somewhat. Your school probably uses Naviance, which will give you a sense of the GPAs your target schools accepted from your HS last year.

Privates can dig deeper with their applicants.

All that said, with your foundation, I am confident you’ll excel wherever you go next. Even if that’s a CC -where you can TAC into . Hoping you applied more broadly though.

good luck.