<p>Unweighted GPA-3.89</p>
<p>Weighted GPA-4.25</p>
<p>UC GPA-4.15(I Think)</p>
<p>Classes-Three AP, Plan on 5 more. Honors in everything else throughout my high school career.</p>
<p>Class Rank-School does not do ranking but I am probably in the top 10% with a class of 1000+</p>
<p>ACT Super-scored- 31(34M 29R 30E 32S Writing 10/12)</p>
<p>ACT 30(34M 29E 28R 27S W10/12) Hopefully bringing that up to a 32. I have been doing a ton of studying lately.</p>
<p>AP scores-Physics-4 USH-5 Gov-4
and next year(senior year) I will be taking Calc BC, Lit, Both Econs, Physics C, and will most likely get 4-5 on all with the exception of lit.</p>
<p>EC-NHS, MECS(Environmental club) and a leader in, CEC(Helping children with disabilities have some fun after school) and 50+ hours of community service</p>
<p>Employment- Working at a grocery store for 2 months at 25 hours a week, getting promoted soon, and pitching an idea to corporate on how to streamline stocking hopefully that goes through.</p>
<p>Awards- Presidental education award</p>
<p>Essay/Recs- Not sure what I am going to write about but my school spends 5 weeks at the beginning of the year to fix and make the essays perfect so probably a good essay. Will be getting good recs from two AP teachers.</p>
<p>I currently live in Illinois</p>
<p>First of all, most schools do not superscore ACT. Your GPA is okay but the course load is not rigorous enough.</p>
<p>UCB: Low reach
UCLA: high match
USC: Low reach
NYU: Reach
UoM: High match to low reach
UIUC: Match
UNC-CH: High match
UVA: Low reach
Stanford: Reach</p>
<p>How else can I make my course load more rigorous. I am taking every class my school offers AP and I have been only been in honors classes with the exception of honors english?</p>
<p>Ur course load is plenty rigorous. And Ur act is really really superior. You will likely get into all of those colleges, maybe not the Ivys or Stanford, but you never know
you don’t need a higher act because a 32,31,30 don’t have a very big difference. Colleges will look at those three scores about te same. I mean a 30 is a 32 with making some minor stupid mistakes, so colleges don’t really differentiate b/w those. What will make or break Ur app are those ec’s. Make sure you have good ec’s and instead of studying for the act, I’d work on those ec’s.</p>
<p>If your school does not offer that many AP classes, then the admission office would not hold against you. You know how crazy it is in California that many students take 7 or 8 APs by Junior and half of the schools on your list are in California. Your course load is moderately rigorous but not rigorous enough to justify a lower GPA (average for Stanford and Ivies at 3.9+ and most applicants with more AP classes taken by Junior).
ACT scores between 30 and 33 do make difference for the schools on your list. I would say scores at 34+ probably make less difference. UMich has an average ACT of 31 for admission (mid 50 at 29-33). UCB, UCLA, UNC, and USC are all around the same level. UIUC is a bit lower while the Ivies are a bit higher. Only UIUC may care less for ACT at 30 or 33 particularly for in state.</p>
<p>So if I were to bring my act to a 32 I would have a very good chance at all those schools besides Stanford?</p>
<p>More likely, matches to low reaches: UCB, UCLA, USC, NYU, UOM, UIUC
Less so, low reaches: UVA, UNC
Unlikely, high reaches: Stanford, Duke</p>