Chances for UCLA, UCB, and UCSD

Hello. I am a junior in a private high school in Fresno, California. I was wondering if I could get some advice on which UC schools I could get into with my stats. Also I would like to know if there is any chance of me getting into an ivy. Thanks! Weighted GPA: 4.43. Unweighted gpa: 4.00. SAT is a 1370. Ap classes: 2 sophomore year, 3 junior, 3 senior, Taken many honors courses over the years. Extra curriculars: varsity cross country for 4 years, Captain of Cross country team senior year, 100+ service hours at 2 organizations, Founder of fitness club, Board of Director for CSF, NHS, Organized service event at Boys and Girls Club, Varsity track, Valley coyotes track club in summers, Summer school class junior year to be able to take another class, Many service hours in summer, Various school awards

Intended major? SAT II subject tests?

The more competitive major, the higher SAT score will be needed.

For UCB/UCLA, aim for an SAT of 1450+.
For UCSD, again major dependent, I would try to raise that SAT score.

All are within range, but due to the sheer # of qualified applicants, the top UC’s are always a tough admit. You have solid stats, good EC’s with leadership so you will need to have stellar essays to complete your application package.

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 4.20 or above:

UCB: 42%
UCLA: 54%
UCSD: 87%
UCSB: 85%
UCD: 91%
UCI: 94%
UCR/UCM: 98%

All you can do is apply and hope for the best.

Regarding the Ivy schools, all are Reaches and your SAT score will be an issue.

Make sure you have some solid Match and Safety schools on your list and best of luck.

My intended major would be economics or possibly psychology. I haven’t taken sat subject tests yet. Should I take them? @Gumbymom

If you are targeting the top UC’s, even if they are not recommended, they definitely could help your chances if the scores are in the 700+ range and will make you a more competitive applicant. Plus, many of the other applicants whom you will be competing, will have SAT subject test scores to submit.

I would consider taking Math 2 for Econ and another of your choosing.

The UC app is funny in that it gives you multiple chances and ways to strut your stuff. You can add AP scores and subject test scores or virtually anything else that shows how you shine your best. Take advantage of it. I second taking Math 2 and Econ subject tests, or if you do well on another, throw that in too. Get to work on the 4 essays, don’t waste the summer.

Do you guys have any tips on how I could raise my sat score from 1370 to 1450? :confused: @Gumbymom @preppedparent

Did you do better on one section vs another?

I got a 690 on math and a 680 on reading. On previous practice tests I scored a 720 on reading. I don’t know why it fell so much on the real test. @Gumbymom

From what I gather, the SAT is a lot about test taking itself. There are only so many ways to try to trick someone. Practice, practice, practice. Its easier if you just to have focus on one part like Math OR Verbal. Aside from that, you could find a tutor if you can afford one and after scoring a practice test, use the tutor to help you in a surgical manner on specific parts that give you trouble. For Verbal, I’ve heard the fastest way to up your score is by studying vocab. Good Luck. Keep at it. Stay Calm and Carry On!

@preppedparent gives good advice. Have you considered taking the ACT?

I took an ACT practice test and it was lower than my SAT score. @Gumbymom

Just a thought. My son’s benefited from having a tutor work with them one on one. I found a college student that was willing to tutor for a reasonable rate.