Hello, desperate is my name.
I’m 19, upper division transfer, Stats major.
GPA: 3.73, I /should/ raise to 3.8 by the end of the fall semester. If not 3.8, then definitely 3.78.
I take 20+ units per semester so I don’t have much time for anything else so none of my extracurriculars are relatively recent. I’m also transferring from a CCC, I know UCs tend to prioritize those.
IGETC will be done by spring 2020. My issue is my major prep courses won’t be totally done. I’ll have at least two classes not finished; some other courses required by a few of the schools are not offered at my community college. Also i have two W’s. One is from a major prep course I dropped last spring, but I plan to retake it this spring now that I feel more confident about succeeding in it. The second W is from a CS course because that was my major before stats.
I’d like to think my essays are good.
What are my chances for UCB, UCD, UCSD, UCSB, UCSC, UCLA, Cal Poly Slo, Cal Poly Pomona, SDSU and SFSU??
This link shows UC Transfer GPA admit ranges by Campus and Major:
Also UC admissions by source school: https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/infocenter/admissions-source-school
This link shows average CSU Transfer GPA by campus: https://www2.calstate.edu/attend/counselor-resources/Documents/transfer-2019-admission-impaction-chart.pdf
Cal states place priority on local in-service area transfers so are you local to any of the CSU’s you are applying?
W’s will have no impact. Are the courses not offered at your CC available at a nearby CC?
The UC’s and CSU’s expect you to make a reasonable effort to find and take these courses if they are local to your current CC.
Are the major prep classes required or just recommended?
I am not; the only CSU near me is Fullerton and I don’t really like that school.
I live in OC, and I’ve searched through all the schools within a 50 mile radius of me for those courses and no luck 
For the major prep courses, some schools require it, some recommend it, some don’t say anything on assist. UCSD is my top choice, and they require it sadly so I doubt I’ll have much luck getting their admission.