Chances for UCs? High school sophomore

Hi, I am currently a sophomore in high school and was wondering what is was needed to get accepted into UCB, UCLA, and the other UC’s.

Current UC gpa A-G: weighted: 4.4 ish, unweighted: 4.0

My freshman gpa is not the best, but I guess it does not matter for UC’s.

My extracurriculars as of now are meh.
I do martial arts(not going to say which one), started when I was 4.
Am a 3rd degree black belt, recognition from the world martial arts headquarters, and I am a state and national competitor. I also was on the State Varsity Team for martial arts before covid.
State and national bronze medalist, as well as a finalist for some minor international comp
Volunteering: Taught younger students martial arts since 8th grade. I also coached and was a referee at a few local comps.
Going to start tutoring middle schoolers soon.
Possibly going to try to get a summer internship during the summer after junior year.

Do I have any chance at the higher UC’s? Thanks.

You can look at the UC website for yourself and check out the requirements.
If you are instate, your counseling office will have further information for you.
If you are out-of-state, make sure you can afford the UC’s and that you have met the “F” requirement.Freshman admissions

UC’s only use 10-11th grades in their GPA calculation and they consider 3 UC GPA’s.

You have only finished 1 1/2 years of HS so you should be focusing on getting good grades and participating in activities you enjoy. All any student can do is their best. You have accomplished much already so keep it up and you will have a chance at several UC ‘s. Best of luck.