Chances for UMass Amherst Early Action- Premed

<p>I am Asian Indian, and am the first generation to attend school in America. I attend a really good high school( Cupertino High School) which is one of the top highschools in the area. I would be applying from out of state as Early Action.
Weighted GPA: 3.52
ACT Composite- 34
Math 2 SAT 2: 720, Bio SAT 2: 750
APUSH AP test: 5
Calc AP test : 5
Bio AP test: 4
Took a lot of hard AP/Honors classes sophmore and junior year- got mostly Bs
Freshman year I messed around and got a couple of Cs, and got Cs in PE classes sophmore year, however during Junior year, I received As and Bs in AP and Honors classes. My GPA got really pulled down by my freshman year grades.
Sophmore: Precalc Honors, Chem honors
Junior: AP Bio, AP Calc AB, AP US History, American Literature Honors, Chinese 4 Honors
Senior year: AP calc BC, AP Chem, AP chinese 5, AP literature, Government, Lab Assistant for my bio teacher</p>

<p>Extra Curriculars:
6 years of Boy Scouts- got Eagle Scout, had leadership positions
2 years of volunteering at a hospital
2 years volunteering at Stanford Blood Center
did a summer internship at a hospital for a month
after school tutoring volunteer
started a tutoring company with 3 other friends(is paid)
participated in a science fair challenge thing sophomore year
attended a 4 weeklong program for students interested in medicine</p>

<p>I really want to be a doctor, and am applying here for premed. What do you think my chances are? Also does anybody have any information on the premed program here?</p>

<p>Thank you very much</p>

<p>Also what would my chances for UC Davis look like with a 3.62 weighted UC GPA?
Sorry I couldn’t add into the original post.
Thank you so much :)</p>

<p>Just curious, why UMass?</p>

<p>I wanted to go out of state, and it’s pretty cheap, and I hear it has a good premed program. Also it seems like one of the few schools that seem achievable to me with my low gpa :/</p>

<p>Your GPA is OK. It somewhat hurts your application, so try to improve yourself throughout the first semester of your senior year (I assume you are a senior). Great ECs, good amount of APs (great 4s/5s) and excellent ACT score. Did you by any chance take the SAT? If so, what is your score? Keep in mind some colleges have a greater tendency towards the SAT.</p>

<p>Your chances look good for UMass Amherst. Amherst is the best out of all 4 branches. It has a 60% acceptance rate. You might also want to look at the average GPA for admitted students of last year (or recent years). IMO, your ECs and AP scores make up for your decent GPA.</p>

<p>In terms of UC Davis, however, it has a low acceptance rate (40%), so your chances are better at Amherst.</p>

<p>Hi thanks for your feedback :). That’s what I was thinking too, Amherst is a match school while Davis is more of a reach. How do you think I would stand for UC Irvine?</p>




Did you end up getting in to UMASS? And did you get any good merit scholarships from them?