Chances for west coast schools... plz

<p>Hey everyone.. I am really interested in some small to medium sized private schools on the west coast.... I am by no means a whiz kid with perfect grades.... but I was just wondering if you could give me my chances on these schools based on my stats</p>

<p>3.8 gpa
Private High School
4 seasons of varsity sports
1950 SATs
ovr 200 hrs of service
Best Buddies Org.
Key Club
National Honors Society
Softball Coach</p>

<p>Okay so I am really interested In Order
1. University of San Diego
2. Loyola Marymount University
3. Pepperdine University
4. University of San Francisco</p>

<p>Okay Thanks so Much for all responses!</p>


<p>no need to push... everyone can get a turn to write a response</p>

<p>Wow Thanks For All The Help...... Thanks Cc!</p>

<p>People from my school have gotten into USD and LMU with lower stats. USF shouldn't be much of a problem either. Pepperdine is more selective, but I think you have a good chance</p>