Chances I’ll get into UIUC?

Hi! My name’s Marie. I just finished my junior year. I plan to major in Secondary Education in German (high school German teacher). I would apply into LAS. UIUC is my top choice, and I’m feeling kind of nervous about being accepted. Thank you so much in advance. Also, below is a list of academic and extra curriculars, etc. (not sure if it is important to say, but my grades went from A’s, B’s, & C’s, to A’s and B’s, to straight A’s)
ACT composite: 22
English: 24
Reading: 23
Math: 18
Science: 22
Writing: 8
GPA: 3.79/4.0
Class rank: 28/185
Drum major (senior year)
Tri-M secretary (junior-current)
Part time job at Jimmy Johns
High Honor Roll (sophomore-current)
Honor Roll (freshman)
NHS secretary (junior-current)
Zonta girl international life time member (4th grade-current)
Section Leader (Sophmore-Junior)
German Club (freshman-current)
Wind Ensemble on tuba (Freshman - Current)
Jazz band on trombone (Freshman - Current)
Marching band on sousaphone (Freshman - Current)
Pep Band on sousaphone (Freshman - Current)
Solo and ensemble on tuba (Freshman - Current)
Concert band on tuba (Freshman - Current)
Tuba christmas on tuba (Sophomore)
Varsity girl’s golf
Varsity boy’s golf
JV boy’s golf

My schedule for high school has been this:
freshman year:

  • Band
  • German I
  • English I
  • Algebra I
  • Physical Science A
  • Family and Consumer Sciences
  • Civics
  • Health

Sophmore year:

  • Band
  • English 2A
  • German 2
  • Geometry
  • Biology A
  • Food & Nutrition 2
  • Consumer Ed

Junior year:

  • Band
  • US history
  • German 3
  • English 3CP
  • Chemistry
  • Advanced Algebra
  • Accounting

Senior year:

  • Band
  • Teaching Assistant German
  • Physics
  • German 4
  • Pre Calc
  • Sociology
  • Study hall
  • English 4A

Are you instate? Have you talked to your parents are funding college?

There should be some statistics on admitted freshman into the various colleges at UIUC. You can compare you stats to them to get an idea. College of LAS covers a huge range of majors. So it might be hard to get a feel for majoring in German.

If you are interesting in secondary ed, I suggest you retake the ACT. Education majors need to take the Basic Skills test after freshman year. If your ACT score is over a certain number, you can “opt” out of taking the test (have to send scores in). I can’t remember the exact cutoff but your score is close.

UIUC looks at your high school to see what is offered and if you took any of your HS’s challenging classes.

More info on teacher education schools in Illinois can be found at

Good Luck!

You need to improve your ACT to a 26 to have a chance at UIUC. Most applicants who get into UIUC score between a 26 and a 31. The average score is a 28. A 22 is too low.