Hi! My name’s Marie. I just finished my junior year. I plan to major in Secondary Education in German (high school German teacher). I would apply into LAS. UIUC is my top choice, and I’m feeling kind of nervous about being accepted. Thank you so much in advance. Also, below is a list of academic and extra curriculars, etc. (not sure if it is important to say, but my grades went from A’s, B’s, & C’s, to A’s and B’s, to straight A’s)
ACT composite: 22
English: 24
Reading: 23
Math: 18
Science: 22
Writing: 8
GPA: 3.79/4.0
Class rank: 28/185
Drum major (senior year)
Tri-M secretary (junior-current)
Part time job at Jimmy Johns
High Honor Roll (sophomore-current)
Honor Roll (freshman)
NHS secretary (junior-current)
Zonta girl international life time member (4th grade-current)
Section Leader (Sophmore-Junior)
German Club (freshman-current)
Wind Ensemble on tuba (Freshman - Current)
Jazz band on trombone (Freshman - Current)
Marching band on sousaphone (Freshman - Current)
Pep Band on sousaphone (Freshman - Current)
Solo and ensemble on tuba (Freshman - Current)
Concert band on tuba (Freshman - Current)
Tuba christmas on tuba (Sophomore)
Varsity girl’s golf
Varsity boy’s golf
JV boy’s golf
My schedule for high school has been this:
freshman year:
- Band
- German I
- English I
- Algebra I
- Physical Science A
- Family and Consumer Sciences
- Civics
- Health
Sophmore year:
- Band
- English 2A
- German 2
- Geometry
- Biology A
- Food & Nutrition 2
- Consumer Ed
Junior year:
- Band
- US history
- German 3
- English 3CP
- Chemistry
- Advanced Algebra
- Accounting
Senior year:
- Band
- Teaching Assistant German
- Physics
- German 4
- Pre Calc
- Sociology
- Study hall
- English 4A