Chances in graduate school! Please Please help..

<p>Hello! I really hope that you people can help me out on this. I am an Indian student pursuing Mechanical Engg in Jadavpur University. I wish to apply for the MS/PhD program in US. I will be graduating in 2013 and I want admit in fall 2013. I am interested in Nonlinear Dynamics, granular flow and chaos. In the ESM department of Vt there are professors with these research interests. My profile is:</p>

<p>i) CGPA: 3.56/4 (3rd in my Dept)</p>

<p>ii) GRE: 320 (V: 151, Q:169), AWA: 4.</p>

<p>iii) 2 papers submitted in ASME journal and one conference paper.</p>

<p>iv) Two strong projects</p>

<p>Please let me know whether I have chances in ESM of vt. You can also suggest some other Universities with my interest. Can I get some financial support in the MS program? Please help!</p>

<p>I’d suggest you contact the Graduate Enrollment Specialist with these questions directly.</p>

<p>[Graduate</a> Student Information | Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics | Virginia Tech](<a href=“]Graduate”></p>