Masters in Engineering admission?

<p>Hey guys just wanted to get to know some info on VT's masters program. I'm thinking of applying there and my cumulative gpa is 3.1 and major gpa is a 3.5. </p>

<p>I was wondering if VT considers the last 60 credits (final 2 years) more than the beginning 2 years. I've had a strong upward trend, I went from a 2.57 cumulative gpa at the end of my sophomore year to a 3.1 at the end of my fall semester this year. I graduate this year with a degree in mechanical engineering and go to Old Dominion University.</p>

<p>I'm hoping for some research experience my final semester but since its a MME degree it doesn't require a thesis. I'm hoping that they don't think too much of the research experience.</p>


<p>I’m a student here getting my masters in Mechanical Engineering. I know that the ME department will look at the last 60, but not sure for every dept. The application is pretty painless so I’d say go for it. I had a 3.05 undergrad (but i did go to tech for undergrad) and I got in. I would apply as soon as u can. I feel like they dont flat out reject students that often. I know students that are here just taking classes and dont have an advisor yet. As long as u can find a professor to work with you can probably get in. I would start by emailing professors who you are interested in working with.</p>