<p>African-American Male
GPA: UW: 3.154
GPA: W: 3.362
Rank: 134 / 376
4.0 Freshman
4.0 Senior Year (So Far)
SAT: 2340 (760 Verbal 720 Math 800 Writing)
SATII: 780 USH 780 Bio-E 740 WH
AP: 5's: Lang and Comp, World Hist, Human Geography
AP: 4's: Euro, Bio, USH, Env Sci, Psychology, Stats, US Gov
AP: 3's: Comp Gov, Mic Econ
AP: 2's: Mac Eco</p>
Honors English I
World Geography
Spanish I
Algebra II
English II
Oral Interp
AP World History
AP Government
AP Environmental Science
Spanish II</p>
AP US History
AP Biology
AP Statistics
AP Lit and Comp
AP Human Geography
Early History of Man Kind
Basic Strength Training</p>
AP Comp Sci
AP English
AP Chemistry
Spanish @ Local College</p>
Varsity Debate 9-11th
Varsity Interp 9-11th
Varsity X-Country 9th
Founded Tolerance and diversity organization for students of different ethnicities, religions, nationalities, sexual oritentations
Founded Tutoring Organization that tutors first generation immigrants and under privledged students, also is a progressive forum for education ( have raised over $1000 to purchase calculators / computers for needy students )
Have worked on multiple state local and national elections
Intended Major: African American Studies, Native American Studies, History.</p>
<p>Awards: Student of the Month, Varsity Debater of the Year, Varsity IE Speaker of the Year, AP Scholar w/ distinction, AP State Scholar</p>
<p>Note: Was very sick during sophmore and junior years, was hospitalized multiple times due to pneumonia and other maladies consequently my gpa got raped.
Have an older brother who attends Harvard so am looking there for EA, although with my GPA I think I'm pretty much screwed. I am practically looking for suggestions as to where to apply and what safeties I should choose for top schools.</p>
<p>-Thanks :P</p>