Chances? My freshman year may have ruined my GPA...

<p>Ok, so I really really want to go to U of I but I'm not sure if my overall GPA is ok. My freshman year I got a couple (2) Cs and 2 again sophmore year. As a result, my GPA is lower than Id hoped. Well, here are my stats. Do I have a chance? Thanks</p>

<p>SATComposite: 1940
Math: 570
Reading: 670
Writing: 700
(im retaking it, shooting for a 2250)
ACTComposite: 28 (just gonna stick w/ this I think, I hate the ACT)</p>

<p>Volleyball Award
Top 20% School Award
AP Scholar with Distinction
Humanitarian Awards
Junior Class Vice-President
Senior Class President
Skyline Newspaper-Editor
Student Ambassadors-Board Member
New Beginnings Leader 2 yrs
Philosophy Club 2yrs
Key Club 1yr
O Ambassadors 3 yrs
National Honor Society 2 yrs
CIVITAS (Social Studies Honor Society) 2yrs
Mu Alpha Theta (Math Honor Society) 2yrs
200+ volunteer hours</p>

<p>I have also done a lot of work with UNICEF, Free the Children, Me to We, and Green America. I organized a volunteer event and oversaw 4 volunteers and over 75 participants. I've attended volunteer leader events and meeteings as well. Additionally, I've been invited to Leadership conferences, People to People Ambassadors, and Writing programs, but was unable to addent due to finances. haha but anyway yeah thats it</p>

<p>GPA 3.80 :(
Weighted GPA 4.20
Rank: 70 out of 522 (Top 15%) Trying to be in top 10% though</p>

<p>Schedule for senior year:
AP Statistics
AP Biology
AP English: Literature & Composotion
PE Leaders Gym
Class Piano
AP U.S. Government
AP Spanish
Public Speaking and Communications</p>

<p>Previous AP Classes and Scores:
Us history-3
English:Lang and Comp- 4
Microeconomics- 4
Macroeconomics- 4 </p>

<p>So what are my chances of getting in to U of I (LAS) for communications?</p>

<p>P.S. Assuming I do better on my SAT, could I get into the Honors Program?</p>

<p>Also, I’m in-state and an african american female</p>

<p>I’d say you’re a match for LAS-Communications.</p>

<p>i think you’re in. i dont understand why you are scared about a 3.8/4.0? especially with all those EC’s, i think you’re in</p>

<p>I just wasnt sure b/c some of my friends were freaking out about it and i just got the vibe that it was a difficult school to get into. im still a little nervous, but i checked my rank and i broke the top 12% so that gave me a little confidence boost. I’m definetly applying and i hope i get in. Thanks!!</p>

<p>Anyone else? advice? chance? ways to improve? honors college?? :)</p>

<p>It is only a hard school to get into for certain majors. If you were trying to do engineering, I would say you are rightfully worried. Almost anything other than that and I think you are just fine. Business would be a close call probably, but again, you aren’t looking for business, so you should be good to go in all likelihood.</p>

<p>Bump. Just found out my w gpa is 3.98, not a 4.2, meaning my uw gpa is a round a 3.6 or so. Also, my rank is now 12.7% (alomost to top 10!!!). However, is my even lower GPA still gonna affect me? or should I still assume I have a solid chance?</p>

<p>Plus I don’t think I will send in my ACT scores, just the 1940 and the one I’m taking in Oct. which will hopefully be a 2100+. Is this a good idea?</p>

<p>Plus, do I stand a chance for the Honors Program?

<p>You should send in all your scores, because while they’ll only use the set of scores with the highest total (composite) for purposes of evaluating your application for admission, if your english subscore is 32 or higher on any test, you will be given credit for the Rhetoric Requirement (a 4 hour course). They don’t hold lower scores against you.</p>

<p>ok, then I’ll send all of them in. Are my chances still good? anyone about the honors college?</p>