chances of admission and other suggestions?

<p>So far, I'm interested in applying to</p>

<p>UC's (Berkeley, LA, SD, Irvine for safety)
Duke or Dartmouth
Johns Hopkins
University of Washington, Seattle</p>

<p>What are my chances in getting into these colleges? Are there any other suggestions as to where I could apply to?</p>

<p>I don't care about location, social scene, or whatnot (which poses a problem because I can't narrow down my criteria). I only care about academic strength, particularly in biology or earth sciences.</p>

Asian-American, male, california resident
3.85 UW GPA, 4.15 UC weighted GPA, little more for fully weighted
SAT: 640 RC, 770 M, 740 W (retaking in Oct in hopes of getting at least above 2200)
SATII: 800 math II, 790 Bio M, 700 chemistry, 590 french w/ listening
ACT: 34 composite, 36 english, 35 math, 35 science, 30 reading comp, 8 writing
AP: bio (5), BC calc (5)</p>

+staff writer for school paper junior year, opinion section editor senior year
+Internships at Stanford during school year:
sophomore: geology/chemistry
junior: archaeology with lab work
senior (probably): bio/chemical archaeology
+Sporadic community service at Red cross, libraries, and reading to the blind/dyslexic
+tutor frequently at school in math
+"member" of national honor society junior year (it just started), treasurer senior year
+member of california scholarship federation for all four years</p>

+bunch of departmental awards in english, biology, chemistry, history. none junior year though.</p>

<p>Letters of rec include one from one of my mentors.</p>

<p>classes for next year are all AP's, TA, newspaper.</p>

<p>University of Chicago would be good for you. Also, look at Rice and Vanderbilt.</p>

<p>Also look at Lehigh.</p>

I don't care about location, social scene, or whatnot (which poses a problem because I can't narrow down my criteria). I only care about academic strength, particularly in biology or earth sciences.


<p>Believe me, you should start caring. College is the place where you are going to be living for FOUR years. The people you are going to meet there you are going to have to befriend. You want a college that has a lot of focus on undergrad. Don't let the colleges choose you - you should be choosing the college that fits perfectly for you!</p>