<p>So far, I'm interested in applying to</p>
<p>UC's (Berkeley, LA, SD, Irvine for safety)
Duke or Dartmouth
Johns Hopkins
University of Washington, Seattle</p>
<p>What are my chances in getting into these colleges? Are there any other suggestions as to where I could apply to?</p>
<p>I don't care about location, social scene, or whatnot (which poses a problem because I can't narrow down my criteria). I only care about academic strength, particularly in biology or earth sciences.</p>
Asian-American, male, california resident</p>
<p>3.85 UW GPA, 4.15 UC weighted GPA, little more for fully weighted</p>
<p>SAT: 640 RC, 770 M, 740 W (retaking in Oct in hopes of getting at least above 2200)
SATII: 800 math II, 790 Bio M, 700 chemistry, 590 french w/ listening
ACT: 34 composite, 36 english, 35 math, 35 science, 30 reading comp, 8 writing
AP: bio (5), BC calc (5)</p>
<p>Class lineup:</p>
Critical thinking I (Accelerated English) (A, A)
Trigonometry/Analytic Geometry A (A, A)
Biology 1A (A, A+)
Art Spectrum (A, A)
French 2 (A, A)
World History (A, A)</p>
Critical Thinking II (Accelerating english II) (A, A)
French 3H (A-, A)
Contemporary World History/US Govt (A, A)
Math Analysis H (B, A)
Beginning Journalism (A)
Chemistry AC (A, A)
Science Research Projects (A, A)</p>
US History (A, A)
BC Calc AP (A, B+)
Bio AP (A-, A-)
Physics 1A (B+, B+)
Humanities H/ American Classics (accelerated) (A-, A)
Advanced Journalism Newspaper (A, A)
Science Research Projects (A, A)</p>
<p>Current Summer: Online Economics</p>
AP English
AP Statistics
AP Chemistry
AP Psychology
Teacher Assistant (BC Calc)
Advanced Journalism Newspaper
Science Research Projects</p>
+staff writer for school paper junior year, opinion section editor senior year
+Internships at Stanford during school year:
sophomore: geology/chemistry
junior: archaeology with lab work
senior (probably): bio/chemical archaeology
+Sporadic community service at Red cross, libraries, and reading to the blind/dyslexic
+tutor frequently at school in math
+"member" of national honor society junior year (it just started), treasurer senior year
+member of california scholarship federation for all four years</p>
+bunch of departmental awards in english, biology, chemistry, history. none junior year though.</p>
<p>Letters of rec include one from one of my mentors.</p>