chances of admission to University of Miami

<p>Greetings this is my first post, but I have been reading on and off for some time !
My daughter is junior in HS. Has 3.55 GPA, Haven't recieved ACT from April as yet because she was standby. She has already signed up for June test. Varsity track (hurdles), Equestrian riding forever, and has volunteered care for men with severe disabilities/traumatic brain injury for years. She is not strong with math so we don't think ACT will be that great. Very strong english and writing will get great recs and am assuming very good essay will come out of her. Her dream school is Miami because of location, size, and curriculm. (We live in WI...she hates the cold).Financial not the problem, but we feel it could be a huge reach for her based on other student's stats that I have read about. Couple of AP's senior year and 5 years spanish.<br>
Contacted our Miami admission rep and she said our d had a pretty good chance if she gets a 27 or above on the ACT. UGH. Don't think that's going to happen based on her math. She also said to at least apply EA.<br>
Help from anyone please !!!!!</p>

<p>I agree with the admission rep. I have a few friends that will be going to Miami. With the ECs and the 5 years of Spanish, she may have a good shot. In the South the ACT is more popular than the SAT, and I do agree that they like to look at the ACTs. Tell to try to keep those grades up and good luck with the ACT...Get a good prep !!</p>

<p>it will help that financial not a problem at miami. i think if it is your daughter's first choice she should apply ED and write a terrific essay why it is her first choice.</p>

<p>Thanks for the tips, but my concern is that in ED there will be really tough competition for admit. Great kid and very motivated but we were all surprised at the amount of superstars and high number of AP classes, EC and volunteer stuff kids were coming up with in HS. It seems insane. Its funny but as parents we wanted our kids to just kind of grow during HS and have some fun before the grind of college level courses started. We didn't want to burn our d out, but now were learning that parents are getting the kids ready with resumes starting in late middle school. YUK. I geuss you could say our family is behind the eight ball on this one.</p>

<p>I know UM is getting more competitive each year, but my son applied ED and got in last year without incredible stats. I think they look for students who stand out in one way or another. An incredibly interesting essay, interesting volunteer work or unusual life experiences. I think it's good to stand out from the crowd.</p>

<p>almost-Your D sounds like a great kid. Her strong English, Writing, ECs and solid gpa will all help and being from WI should also give a geographic boost. Have her concentrate on using that writing ability to craft a great essay and perhaps include a separate short statement on "why UM". Keeping in touch with her admissions rep will demonstrate interest. </p>

<p>UM looks at more than just the numbers and many kids are admitted with less than the superstar stats we read about here on CC. Good luck.</p>

<p>YEa UM wants interesting ppl that will contribute to diversity, culture etc..
off course academics is priority and they will look at ur gpa and SAT scores but its they do look at everything. Not everyone who gets in has a 4.0 and 1800 plus SAT scores.</p>