Chances of getting in...

<p>Im a senior from North Carolina and have just sent my application in a couple weeks ago. My mother graduated from MSU and im hoping to do the same.What do you guys think my chances are of getting in?</p>

<p>GPA: 3.25(unweighted) 3.5(weighted) most likley will go up after this year
I have taken 1 AP class and many honor classes
Class Rank: 290/520
SAT: 1590
I will have straight A's after my first semister </p>

Captain of Varsity baseball team
Won Falcon spirit award and iron falcon award for never missing a practice and for being a leader of the team
DECA Member
Schoo News Paper Sports Editor
School News show editor
Youth group Member
Volunteer vacation Bible school
Given baseball lessons
Work as a cashier at harris teeter. i have been there for over a year and a half and work 25 hours a week.</p>

<p>I wrote two really good essays on my application</p>

<p>I think you have a good shot of getting in, did you take the ACTs?</p>

<p>No i didnt. Down here most kids dont take the ACT. i only know of one person who has. i guess i probably should have tho, but i didnt think about applying to MSU till november which was long after my SATs</p>

<p>I’d say you have a solid shot at MSU, but it will be significantly better if you can bring the GPA up to the top half of your class.</p>

<p>I’d honestly say border. I know a few people who are getting rejected with a less than 3.3 GPA, even with high ACTs/SATs. Like ACTs in the 33/34 range. I think they’re starting to get more focused on GPAs. </p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Yeah I don’t know I’m hoping that legacy and being from north Carolina will help out.</p>

<p>being OOS makes it harder to get accepted</p>