Im looking to apply to schools like Yale, Stanford, Notre Dame, UChicago, etc; honestly, do you think I have a shot at getting in?
-Asian, incoming senior, looking to major in Biology
-New SAT: 1510
-Old SAT: 2220 superscore
-Class rank: 5/850
-GPA: 4.0 UW, 5.24 W
-Coursework: AP Human (4), AP Bio (3), AP World (4), AP Psych (5), APUSH (5), AP Calc AB (5), AP Lang (4), AP Latin (3), AP Chem (3), AP Stats (5), currently taking AP GOV, AP COGO, AP Macro, AP Micro, AP Physics, AP Lit, AP Calc BC, AP
Extracurriculars and Awards:
-2 years Vice President/Co-founder of Model UN
- 1 year President of National Junior Classical League (junior year)
-2 years Varsity Bowling
-3 years Science Olympiad: team won first in regionals
-NHS: 2 years. Some volunteer work every month, amount varies.
-Summer internship going into junior year at USP hospital in Brazil
-3 years volunteering at local hopsital
-all the honor societies at school
-Dual citizenship in Brazil
-play the piano and violin
-did volleyball for 6 years