<p>I'm a 17 year old white male who lives in NC. I have a 4.79 weighted GPA and a 3.88 unweighted. I activly participate in almost every club at my high school but do no hold any leadership positions. My SAT scores are 700 M, 690 V, and 660 W. What are my chances of getting into UNC-Chapel Hill, Vanderbilt, Duke, Columbia, and U. Penn.? I also have Cystic Fibrosis, as mentioned in my short answers. My aunt and uncle attended UNC and my uncle taught at Duke in the past.</p>
<p>well if you're from NC, then you should have a good chance at UNC</p>
<p>Columbia and UPenn are reaches I believe...</p>
I activly participate in almost every club at my high school but do no hold any leadership positions.
Colleges don't like to see kids with laundry-lists of extracurriculars, who join (literrally in this case) every club in the school to look good on college apps but shows no depth or leadership in any of them. </p>
<p>Rejected at UPenn and Columbia, high high reaches for Vanderbilt and Duke, maybe UNC-Chapel Hill.</p>
<p>I downplayed my participation in the clubs and overplayed the number. I wrote my essay on my experiance in Quiz Bowl and how I was an integral part in our winning of the highest competition for that club (state). The only reason i am not capitain is because I missed alot of meetings last spring due to my illness and also that is the reason I dont have a 4.0 GPA. I had to go on IVs in the spring of 2007 and 2006, so I couldnt participate inthe clubs or try as hard in school. All of this is present in my applications.</p>
<p>Ivies are reaches for everyone. I don't know if having too many clubs will hurt you...but I think you should just apply and see how it goes. I think you have a <em>slight</em> chance of getting in. What's your rank?</p>
<p>I hope you get into the college of your choice. Congratulations on joining so many clubs in high school, getting great grade and living with Cystic Fibrosis.
I am CFKELLYGIRL's mom. My CF daughter just turned 18, is a senior in high school and just accepted to Univ. of Iowa (which also has a CF center in their hospital). She is still waiting to see what other colleges she gets accepted into before she makes her final decision.</p>
<p>Did you have any luck with Scholarships? So many people think that she would be eligible for scholarships with the CF and all the medical expenses, but so far no luck.</p>
<p>Good luck to you in college, stay healthy, keep up the tough med and CF routines.</p>
<p>CFKELLYGIRL's Mom</p>
<p>In at UNC and Duke ( as Duke gives preference to NC and SC residents). In at Vanderbilt. Competitive at Penn- especially if you are not applying to the Wharton School of Business. Columbia is ultra competitive for all applicants, but you certainly have a chance.</p>