<p>Chances of getting into Newhouse Syracuse?
Currently I'm attending the Community College of Denver, but I'm looking to transfer to a university outside of Colorado that specializes in communications once I receive my AA.</p>
<p>I'm only going into my third semester and in the first semester I received a 4.0
whereas my second semester I got two A's and two B's ending up with a 3.46.</p>
<p>Most likely I will receive my AA in the Summer semester of 2013, and then I hope to transfer in the fall to Newhouse considering everything works out the way I would like.</p>
<p>Let's say I receive a pretty decent GPA in the upcoming three semesters (Fall, Spring, Summer) what would be my chances of making it into the school?</p>
<p>Journalism has been one of the only things I've wanted to do for such a long time, and I'd love nothing more then to make it into a school that will provide me with all the proper equipment and life skills to make it in such an industry.</p>
<p>Of course I will have back-ups and all, still I need to find more talented journalism schools but I really want a plan, and this is the closest I've come.</p>
<p>During high school I worked for my school newspaper and was Assistant Editor, I competed in a journalism scholastic team in Editorial, Feature, News and Headline writing. I currently work for my campus newspaper, and will become a member of the Society of Professional Journalists in the upcoming few months.</p>
<p>I've already been working on a portfolio and have been for the past few years of several of my different writing techniques, photography and layout skills.</p>
<p>So in all honesty, I want to know what it's going to take for me, considering where I'm at now and how far I've gone to earn my acceptance into Newhouse.</p>