<p>I am a white female and applying for 10th grade from the state of Florida. I am freshman class president of the 900 in my class, I am the captain of my JV volleyball team, and I also participate in lacrosse. I play both sports year round, traveling all over. With no preparation, I scored in the 99th percentile overall on my SSAT, with a 96th percentile on verbal, 99th on math, and 94th reading. I have straight A's and A+'s, never had a B before. I am on the competitive math team, earning 1st, 2nd, 5th, 6th, and 3rd place in county and regional competitions. I am in all honors classes and AP+ (a pre-AP class), for there are no AP classes available for my grade. I am in my second year of Spanish also. My English teacher overlooked all of my essays, and she was very impressed. I also mentioned that I have been selected along with 5 others, of the 300 people, to lead a summer camp I attend for 3 weeks each summer. I think my interview went very well and they were told that this was my idea to look into these schools, not my parents. I got good recommendations from my teachers, guidance counselors, and others. I am applying for financial aid also.
Therefore, by reading this, what is your opinion of my chances for getting into PEA?</p>
<p>thank you whoever moved this for me!</p>
<p>I don’t know about this one, its kind of iffy for me. I really think you would have a better chance if you worked on getting your SSAT score to 100. I also believe that the fact you only got 1st 2nd 3rd and 6th shows that you don’t have much depth, what happened to fourth and fifth. These are elite schools we are talking about here. You have straight a’s and a+'s? this really isn’t up the exeter’s par of A++, work on it next term.</p>
<p>All in all like I said before its iffy.</p>
<p>first of all, i dont know if youre just trying to make me feel bad, or if you really are oblivious.</p>
<p>no such thing as 100 on SSAT.
cant get 4th and 5th in the years ive been on competition.
and no A++.
im not fake like you think i am.
so keep on being a jerk, if thats what makes you feel cool.</p>
<p>Zoe, although hockeykid may not have been exactly nice, he speaks for many people on this forum who find the “chances” threads tiresome, especially when the poster has exceptional scores, grades etc. It may come off as bragging, without you intending it. As many people have noted before, Exeter could fill there whole class up with 99%ile SSAT candidates but they don’t.</p>
<p>You certainly have the kind of resume that will not get you immediately rejected. How you fit in to the admissions officers ideas for next years Sophomore class, none of us can guess.</p>
<p>Good luck to you.</p>
<p>He was being sarcastic like “of course ther’s no chance of you getting in” because everything on there was really good</p>
<p>well it just does not help that i am very nervous and then that he comes off as a jerk.
and thanks to both of you.</p>
<p>That was sarcasm 101… Lol. Anyway, you’re on par. Meaning you got a good shot. Without knowing the recs, the essays, how hard your school is, how good you actually are at everything and such… I can’t tell you 100%. EVEN IF I DID, I couldn’t tell you.</p>
<p>Well, actually, there is 100th percentile on SSAT. This guy I know got it, probably by answering everything correctly.</p>
<p>no… theres not, he’s lying >.<</p>
<p>Well he lied to you, even if you get everything right, you 99%</p>
<p>haha. yah, I know this seems like a ridiculous question.
I just wantedto know if that made me in the running. didn’t know how others are.</p>
<p>Really? I didn’t know I was lying… Alright, sorrry then.</p>
<p>Ok, sorry, I remember now. He said “perfect score” and then my other friend and I had this whole other discussion about it, and somehow it translated into “100th percentile”, and that’s how it’s stayed in my mind ever since. Sorry for the confusion.</p>
<p>OP: You sound like you take yourself too seriously. Be careful not to come off that way, because no one likes it.
Also, your failure to catch obvious use of sarcasm only furthers my point.</p>
<p>You can’t get a 100% because you cannot beat yourself.</p>
if you knew me, you would know that i am far from serious besides in academics.
and although it may seem obvious that he/she used sarcasm, the fact that it was typed and i cannot hear how hockey said it doesnt help.
but its all good, you have your opinions, and i have mine.</p>
<p>The fact that he/she mentioned SSAT 100th percentile and A++ grades should have told you he/she was being sarcastic… unless it’s possible to get A++ grades at your school you really should have noticed - it doesn’t matter you didn’t hear him saying it</p>
<p>Do yourself a favor and calm down as there are probably a good other 500 applicants for Exeter feeling exactly the same as you do. With your resum</p>
<p>Will the athletic thing standout vs. lets say music or drama?</p>
<p>It depends how good you are in each area. Whichever one you’re most talented in will be the one that stands out the most.</p>