Chances of getting into purdue - west lafayette

<p>Senior in HS.</p>

<p>I say theres no way, but I am so determined to get in!!!!! I have bad math grades, but I still love math/science, even though my teachers are some of the depressive people in the universe. I really want to be a physics major and then pursue astronomy, maybe astronautical engineering. Not sure yet!</p>

<p>Don't ask how someone can be so dumb, but I have a 23 ACT. Hopefully the one I take next week will be at least a 25!! God help me</p>

<p>My school doesn't have class rankings, but my percent would probably be really low because my school is a really competitive, private school.</p>

<p>I really don't know what to put next, but here goes:
Act: 23
GPA: 91.00
EC's: Crew - 4 years spring fall and winter for 3 yrs, soon to be all 4
Fashion Design Club - 2 yrs (lol)
Tri-M Honors Society - Inducted last year, member for 2 years. My school finally added it to the school, so I have done it for as many years as my school has offered it,(2 yrs) </p>

<p>Awards - Crew - bronze medal at a Milwaukee conference something or other, not sure of the title of the race.
Northwestern University Music Competition - 2004 silver medal, 2005 gold, 2006 silver, 2007 gold, 2008-gold, 2009-gold. 2010 hopefully gold</p>

<p>I had a know-nothing counselor who wouldnt help me get into any AP classes....</p>

<p>Ok here's all the science/math courses I have taken - I want to get into the Purdue College of Science:
Chemistry - 90, Biology-85, Anatomy-91, Physiology-93, Oceans&Atmosphere, Astronomy.</p>

<p>Alg1-85, Geometry-80, Alg 2-80, Precalc(which I am actually loving, but don't have a grade for yet)</p>

<p>I have had 3 years of history courses. my school requires 2 credits of history and 2 of science; i have 3 history, 4 science. </p>

<p>4 yrs of math, 4 yrs of english, 4 years of religion...(I killed my self with summer school every year)</p>

<p>60 service hours, but I know I have at least 10 more that havent been added yet</p>

<p>I have played violin for 11 years, ever since I was 6</p>

<p>Again this is for Purdue Univ west lafayette, college of science is what the plan is</p>

<p>Chance me!!!!=] I am a female, white. Me not being a minority severly reduces my chance of getting into any school, I know. It's sad, and true, unfortunately for many universities</p>

<p>I am writing my essay about how having a chronic musculoskeletal syndrome really caused me to have an introspective life and how I used to alway have the mindset of "everybody has a betterlife than me" but now how i see that i am blessed, even though im am in the parameters of what an outcast is defined to be by society. (in a nutshell, thats what my essay is going to be about)</p>


<p>I think you have a chance. Your GPA is strong but your ACT score needs a bit more work but I think it’d be fine. The whole minority thing is not really true since let’s say you are Asian then your chances are the same since Asians have been taken out of the affirmative action process.</p>

<p>i really think everything as a whole is weak, gpa def included, but I hope to god I get in because of my 3 years on varsity crew and being 2nd chair for 4 years at in my school orchestra</p>

<p>thanks for answering</p>

<p>ACT is in two days!!! =]</p>

<p>I think you can definitely get in, just make sure you do well on the ACT.</p>

<p>Also on a sidenote, I’m currently minoring in Physics and I am a PHYS Teaching Assistant as well. I like the PHYS program, your first couple of classes might seem very large as many engineering students (including myself) take them. However I find the upper level classes really great (though PHYS 172 and 272 aren’t bad either, just pretty big classes).</p>