Chances of receiving the General Hispanic Scholarship Fund merit Scholarship?

<p>My stats:
4 UW gpa, 4.7 weighted, ranked 8/466
9 APs, everything else was honors
32 ACT, probably my biggest weakness
Female majoring in biological engineering.
I own my own jewelry business and speak Spanish, French, and Dutch fluently.
I am also a hospice volunteer, played varsity soccer and track, served at VP of French Honor Society, attended NJ Girls' State where I was elected Speaker of the House, I was also awarded several honors, such as AP scholar.
My essays were quite good and so was my teacher recommendation. Thanks in advance for all your help!</p>

<p>It is pretty much financial need base. Looking at past winners on this forum most had financial need. Plus the component of helping your local Hispanic community is important. I do not do chance threads but you don’t mention either of the factors I mentioned. </p>

<p>I have no financial need, but plenty of involvement in the Hispanic community. I thought I’d just apply to see what happens, despite the fact that I have no need.</p>

<p>In the past typically I have seen students with financial aid get the scholarships. It is a tough one to get without a lot of financial need. My DD also applied for it but I am not holding out much hope for it. There are other Hispanic scholarships out there where need is not a factor like the Hispanic Heritage Foundation. However that application was due in October and awarded to students in November. My DD was awarded that scholarship which was nice. </p>

<p>Good luck to you. </p>