<p>What tier of schools would be appropriate to start targeting, or specifically what schools in the East coast</p>
<p>Sophmore Marist College '11
1 Semester Abroad Florence Italy
Work Experience:
Stock Broker
Series 63,7,24 licenses
Consultant for 3 LLCs
(By '11 I will have 3 years of experience, I manage my clients from school,
and consult via electronic)</p>
<p>School Clubs:
Business Club
Italian American Club
Campus Ministry</p>
<p>It is way too early to tell from that info without clarity on work experience, why you want to get an MBA, GMAT; all of which is much more important to determing your chances than anything you’ve provided. That is like saying that you have red, blue, green and yellow paint and asking if you’ll be able to create a great painting.</p>
<p>It is important to remember that any work experience while in college really doesn’t count as real work experience. It is however, a nice EC. You need to show good job progression AFTER graduation.</p>
<p>So your telling me having my Reg. Reps license, and Principals licenses are not going to count? I am in a unique situation which i guarantee you have not so much encountered. I am not a intern getting coffee. I manage over 100 accounts and a top producer at the firm, if anything i would ponder that they would be even more intrigued I am able to balance being a full time student and a full time broker, or are you just saying they may not even consider the idea that this is possible, and just categorize as a intern of some sort?</p>
<p>In all honesty, why would “clients” hire a college student? No matter how brilliant, you simply don’t have the time and resources to do a professional job. I think this has little chance of flying with any top school for admission right out of undergrad.</p>
<p>With a good GMAT score and a 3.8, with 3-5 years of good work experience you’d have a shot anywhere.</p>
<p>I get resumes everyday from kids claiming jobs/experiences that don’t make much sense. If you’re doing so well at a firm, why do you need a degree from an average college? If you can make money for clients at a brokerage house, no one will be asking where you went to school. You already got in. Surely you’re not learning many applicable skills at school.</p>