<p>I'm currently a California City College student at SBCC. I'm planning on applying to UCSD this fall.</p>
<p>I have a 3.48 UC-GPA. And a 3.51 Overall-GPA. I'm planning on majoring in management science which is a B.S. degree. I do not have all the pre-reqs completed, I'm missing 2 math classes. But i have received A's in the other pre-req math classes. 20A, 20B</p>
<p>What are my chances of transferring. Would it be better to possibly transfer to the econ major, where I have all the pre-reqs completed then change my major.</p>
<p>I really need some help and my councilors have not been very helpful.</p>
<p>*Also, I'm not sure if UCSD will even consider this, but I have received straight As in 24 units in Spring 2010. The only reason my GPA isn't much higher is because i screwed up my first semester and got 4 Cs. But ever since i've been living at the library and haven't received anything under an A.</p>
<p>Thanks for the help</p>
<p>Do TAG! guaranteed admission if you meet the requirements (which are very basic) so you won’t have to worry all year if you get in or not.</p>
<p>it’s already too late for TAG. I would have to spend an additional year at CC.</p>
<p>Why is it too late for TAG? You don’t have to apply for tag until sept of this year.</p>
<p>TAG it bro. and be sure to read the TAG requirements b4 you jump to conclusions.</p>
<p>For tag you have to apply a year in advance so I would apply Fall 2010 to get guaranteed admission when I apply Fall 2011. BUT i’m applying for ucsd fall 2010 not fall 2011. If i want to do TAG i need to stay an extra year… i should of applyed Fall 2009 but i was unaware and now have to transfer the regular way. TAG is not possible anymore unless i want to stay an extra year at CC</p>
<p>btw i have the igetc completed & I have received all As in my pre-req math classes. which are 20A, 20B, 20C, 20F.</p>
<p>wait how can you apply for Fall 2010?? thats just this fall…the deadline for fall 2010 passed last november…</p>
<p>you are confused…if you want to start UCSD in fall 2011 then you would fill out the application THIS fall (2010) AND do the TAG this year as well.</p>
<p>I don’t think you understand what I’m saying. I will be applying for UCSD this November during the Fall 2010 semester to begin UCSD (if admitted) Fall 2011. </p>
<p>Maybe I am confused because I talked to my councilor and she was so unclear. So I apply for TAG & submit the UCSD admissions application at the same time? I thought you had to apply for TAG then the following year apply for the school and then if admitted the year after that you begin.</p>
<p>Thank you so much for your help. So basically if I have the requirements completed for TAG, I can apply for TAG this Fall in addition to applying for UCSD and get the guaranteed admission for 2011?</p>
<p>Lol, let me clear things up.</p>
<p>You are NOT going to UCSD for fall 2010, correct?</p>
<p>If so,</p>
<li>enroll at your CC</li>
<li>sign a TAG</li>
<li>apply for UCSD in November 2010
-attend UCSD in September 2011</li>
<p>simple as that…</p>
<p>Politricks is correct. you can fill out your TAG this fall and also apply for admission this fall 2010 in order to attend fall 2011. i did the same but just one year before you.</p>
<p>I applied in fall 2009 and did tag at the same time and now will be starting UCSD this fall.</p>
<p>Your counselor seems misinformed. Check out all the online information out there on TAG.</p>
<p>Apply for TAG? Sign for TAG? lol, funny…
I was so stress out about same thing last year and guess what? You don’t even need to do any of those crap. Simply, read their terms and conditions then check the TAG box during UC application period, and you are set. You don’t need to meet with counselor or anything.</p>
<p>*Scenario above applied to UCSD ONLY. For UCSB, you have to sign a contract with your counselor ;p</p>
<p>I didn’t do tag or IGETC. I took all but one class was listed on assist.org, finish my 2 english classes and math prereqs for engineering, got a 3.5 and here I am about to start at SD in September lol.</p>