<p>Im a CCC transfer with a 3.66 GPA (pretty low, I know)
Major=political science
Live in NorCal</p>
<p>Just wondering if anyone has any input on what my chances might look like.
Also, if your a potential UCSD transfer then go ahead an post your stats too.</p>
<p>are you doing TAG? Well regardless, I think you’re in since Poli-Sci isn’t an impacted major at UCSD, and your GPA is good. </p>
<p>If you think your GPA is low, consider mine. I am applying to UCSD as a math major from a CCC, and my GPA is 3.14 :P. I too am a NorCal resident btw.</p>
<p>No im not doing TAG.</p>
<p>lol well are you doing TAG?
I think most of my problem with my GPA was that I heard
many people say that without TAG I wont get in to UCSD or UCSB</p>
<p>so were both on the same boat with the NorCal thing
neither one of us are in the area which means less priority :(</p>
<p>The fortunate thing is that I am doing TAG :)</p>
<p>And who ever told you that you can’t get into UCSD/SB without TAG is absolutely wrong. Your GPA is good, so you won’t need TAG to get into UCSD. </p>
<p>And location is not a problem. They care about how you do academically, and give equal opportunity to CCC students, regardless to location.</p>
<p>As long as you get IGETC done your a shoe in. For UCSD completing IGETC by spring qualifies you for TAG also. I didn’t even apply as TAG but ucsd automatically considered me a TAG student cuz I was going to complete IGETC. I got in almost 2 years ago.</p>
<p>even without TAG you’re in. I’m a poli sci transfer and you have a higher GPA then I did and most people I’ve talked to at UCSD.</p>
<p>Anyone know what the transfer gpa range for an impacted major is, such as Mechanical Engineering?</p>
<p>Vintagesoul: it was my counselor at my CCC that told me that. I guess I should know not to trust them so much because of the many people who say counselors are sometimes misleading.</p>
<p>USMC0311: You have no idea how much that helps. Ive been stressing out because I couldnt do TAG (I wont have my math requirement done until this spring) but now that I am considered a TAG applicant…yayy! :)</p>
<p>jrmorse: when did you transfer? &How is poli sci at UCSD?</p>
<p>Anonymousity: sorry, dont know</p>
<p>did you check the “UCSD TAG” and IGETC box on the UC application? If you did then you’ll qualify for TAG. If not then I don’t think they will consider you as a TAG student. SOrry to burst your bubble
but regardless, you are in with that GPA</p>
<p>I checked the “IGETC” box but not the “UCSD TAG” because I didnt sign up for TAG.
Lol, you didnt burst my bubble.
I dont care if Im TAG or no TAG, as long as I get in lol
Thank you, I hope your right</p>
<p>I didn’t check the TAG box when applied and I didn’t complete my math or my English requirement until Spring and after I got in and checked my academic history on tritonlink they had me down as a TAG transfer.</p>
<p>Here’s the quote I got off the UCSD website.</p>
<p>“Transfer Admissions Guarantee (TAG)
Beginning with Fall 2009, TAG is met with full completion of IGETC, certified by your community college. See IGETC, above.”</p>