Chances of USC and UCLA with low SAT score?

<p>Hi, I'm applying to UCLA for the Business Econ major and USC Marshall for Business Administration through Questbridge.</p>

<p>My SAT superscore is 2010: 700M 650R 660W
I understand that UCLA only looks at the highest score for one seating and these are the scores that I got:</p>

<p>March: 1930: 700M 650R 580W
December: 1950: 660M 630R 660W
Which one should I submit for UCLA?</p>

<p>Only 1 submitted SAT II which is Korean with Listening which I got a 730 on (not that great of a score for this particular subject test)</p>

<p>I have other SAT IIs but I dont know if I should submit them as they are not very good scores (US History: 650, Physics: 690)</p>

<p>My unweighted GPA is 3.6/4.0 and I attend a nationally recognized top high school.</p>

<p>My APs are:
AP Human Geography (9th grade), AP World History (10th grade), AP Physics B and AP US History (both 11th grade), and this year I'm taking AP 2D Design, AP Calculus AB, AP Statistics, AP Micro & Macro Economics</p>

<p>My EC's are okay. Nothing too special. First generation in my family to go to college.
I think my essays were good. I'm really nothing too special, but I overcame a lot of challenges and I mentioned that a lot in my essay.</p>

<p>So what do you guys think my chances are? Thank you!</p>

<p>I’d like to know as well- am applying to both of those schools/majors and have a similar SAT (10 points lower superscored, but 10 points higher non superscored) and my GPA is 3.96uw/4.3 something weighted, with no Bs.</p>

<p>I know a few who got into UCLA last year with an SAT a little over 2k, and my friend’s older sister got into USC with a 1900 something and apparently her roommate had lower than her (don’t know by what amount). She had won a statewide (California) poetry competition and their Dad’s a philosophy professor there so that could have helped : P.</p>

<p>It’s definitely worth the application- we’ll see in a few months : ).</p>

<p>I think you have a decent chance. Chance back? <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thanks for your responses. Does anyone else have any thoughts? And which score should I submit for UCLA or should I just submit all of them lol</p>


<p>@Wassupman99: Scroll down to Test Requirements: [UC</a> Admission Requirements - Freshman - UCLA Undergraduate Admissions](<a href=“]UC”>
Not sure if they accept Score Choice or not, so you might want to ask.</p>

<p>Fair shot–your academics are good, 1st generation is a nice hook, and overcoming challenges gives them a good picture of who you are. But I would not say that UCLA is a surefire acceptance.</p>

<p>Thank you for your input! And I’m aware that UCLA doesn’t look at super scoring; however, I want to know which score should I send or maybe I should send both?</p>

<p>Can anyone else chance me and give me suggestions? Is there no other way to supplement my application even if they don’t ask for it?</p>

<p>Your GPA is very low for UCLA and UCLA weighs HS GPA more than they do SATs. I haven’t known someone got accepted to UCLA bizecon with a stat like yours.</p>

<p>UCLA - 5% chances</p>

<p>USC - 40% chances</p>

<p>more or less.</p>

<p>You should have fall back schools. Try UCSB. It’s a fantastic school and their econ is respected too.</p>

<p>I understand that my UW GPA is pretty low but that is because I transfered high schools during my sophomore year to a really competitive nationally recognized high school (Ranked 101 in the United States on US News). If I went to some other high school, my GPA would be way higher. </p>

<p>I’m more concerned about my SAT score though. Is there any chance for me?</p>

<p>Judge for yourself: [AIM</a> | UCLA](<a href=“]AIM”></p>

<p>^^^ And for USC</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I would say that UCLA will be hard… USC is a good chance though.</p>

<p>Chance me? <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>If you’re a questbridge scholar I’d still say UCLA is a high reach with scores but USC is a low match. Send the second SAT sitting because of lower range.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Thank guys for the links, but there is something I still do not understand. If these are the 25th/75th percentiles for UCLA:</p>

<p>SAT CR 560/680
SAT M 600/760
SAT W 590/710</p>

<p>and I send in my March SAT scores which are 650CR, 650M and 580 W, aren’t my scores in the middle 50% of the people who are enrolling to UCLA except my writing score which is 10 points away from the 25%tile mark? Does this still mean that I have a low chance?</p>

<p>Ehh, I’m not exactly convinced that you’ll get either USC or UCLA.</p>

<p>You’re more fit for UCSB, UCI.</p>

<p>From UCLA’s Admissions website:</p>

<p>Admit Rate: 22%
Avg High School GPA: 4.21 on a 5.0 scale
SAT CR 560/680
SAT M 600/760
SAT W 590/710
Total 1750/2150</p>

<p>From USC’s Admissions website (admitted students):</p>

<p>Admit Rate: 20%
AVG High School GPA: 3.8 on a 4.0 scale
SAT CR 640/740
SAT Math 650/760<br>
SAT Writing 640/740
Total 1930/2240</p>

<p>How can anyone conclude that getting into UCLA will be substantially harder than getting into USC?</p>

<p>To the OP, I think you have a good chance at both when factoring in your Questbridge status.</p>

<p>Thank you, however, my Questbridge status does not apply to my UCLA app. Like I said in my last post, I don’t understand why my chance for getting into UCLA isn’t almost equal to my chances for getting into USC, whether or not the chances are slim. Does Questbridge really help that much during admissions?</p>

<p>Doesn’t my March SAT score fall in the middle 50% for UCLA except for my writing score which is 10 points below 25th percentile?</p>

<p>@Wassupman99: It’s not really healthy or representative of the admissions process to dwell on a test score. As long as your score is within the accepted averages, above them, or close enough to them, then you shouldn’t worry too much about your scores. It’s not as if you can retake them at this point in time anyway. In the interest of full disclosure, I have high verbal scores (CR: 760, W: 800) and a ridiculous math score by comparison (630). That math score worried me at first, but when I considered the big picture, I realized that it shouldn’t be that much of a problem.</p>

<p>The reason I say this is because schools like UCLA, Berkeley, and many private institutions, especially the big names like Stanford or Harvard, use holistic review to admit applicants. This means that they take into account a wide range of factors BESIDES test scores, GPA, and all that academic stuff. So if your test scores aren’t that great, that’s okay, because there might be other things about your application that appeal to the school and compensate for that underperforming factor.</p>

<p>You can read more about holistic review on the admission sites of schools that you applied to that use it.</p>

<p>And as a side note, I would personally say that the selectivity of UCLA and USC are almost equal, so if you’ve got a fair shot at one, then you’ve got a fair shot at the other one. But this assumption is based purely on stats, obviously.</p>