<p>Hi, I'm applying to UCLA for the Business Econ major and was wondering what my chances would be.</p>
<p>My SAT score is 1970: 700 M 650 R 620W
Only 1 submitted SAT II which is Korean with Listening which I got a 730 on (not that great of a score for this particular subject test)</p>
<p>I have other SAT IIs but I dont know if I should submit them as they are not very good scores (US History: 650, Physics: 690)</p>
<p>My unweighted GPA is 3.6/4.0 and I attend a nationally recognized top high school</p>
<p>My APs are:
AP Human Geography (9th grade), AP World History (10th grade), AP Physics B and AP US History (both 11th grade), and this year I'm taking AP 2D Design, AP Calculus AB, AP Statistics, AP Micro & Macro Economics</p>
<p>My EC's are okay. Nothing too special.
I think my essays were good. I'm really nothing too special, but I overcame a lot of challenges and I mentioned that a lot in my essay.</p>
<p>So what do you guys think my chances are? Thank you!</p>
<p>I think you have a good chance! Your sat isn’t low, I know someone who got in last year with a 1760. What are your ecs? That will be a big factor. The person that was accepted had a TON of community service hours. </p>
<p>Sent from my MB525 using CC</p>
<p>I’d submit the other SAT IIs as well. Judging by the 700+ score on Korean, I’d hazard a guess that you speak it fluently, so sending that score in isn’t very impressive. If you’ve learned it in school and it isn’t something you speak at home or something, by all means send it. This page should be your best friend:</p>
<p>[Profile</a> of Admitted Freshmen, Fall 2011 - UCLA Undergraduate Admissions](<a href=“http://www.admissions.ucla.edu/prospect/adm_fr/Frosh_Prof11.htm]Profile”>http://www.admissions.ucla.edu/prospect/adm_fr/Frosh_Prof11.htm)</p>
<p>That should give you better knowledge than I can give you without knowing if you’re in state, out of state, international, etc. Good luck! Chance me back?</p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1419548-ucs-state-privates-some-ivies-will-chance-back.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1419548-ucs-state-privates-some-ivies-will-chance-back.html</a></p>
<p>Well I don’t have a ton of community service hours. Maybe about 100 hours. And are you really sure I should send in my other horrible SAT II scores? I feel like they would hurt my chances :/</p>
<p>Oh, and I’m an out of state applicant from Long Island, New York.</p>
<p>That 620 on the Math section might hurt you if you’re applying to Business Econ.
I agree with musicislife73 about the Korean score. As for your other scores, they’re not completely relevant to your choice of major, so it wouldn’t necessarily hurt you to leave them off. On the OTHER hand, L&S major declarations are not considered in freshman admissions, so everything I just said about the math score might not even matter. Remember, the purpose of the SAT Subject Tests is to enhance your app–and if you think your scores do that, then send them.</p>
<p>If your essays are well-written and you were committed to some ECs, I’d say you have a fair shot. Your academics and GPA are good.</p>
<p>Would you chance me for UCLA too? (My ECs are not spectacular, either.) Thank you!
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-california-los-angeles/1423600-chance-skeptic.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-california-los-angeles/1423600-chance-skeptic.html</a></p>