Chances: OOS small private school?

My dd tried to post on my account, but apparently she can’t so I am asking for her chances at these schools -

She goes to a very small OOS private school that doesn’t weight and has unusual class selections with some only lasting for a month and then switching to a new subject, so I can’t figure out how that translates to UC grading
GPA is 3.4
ACT 31
Major: Geology
Grade size :24 kids
No classes labeled as honors or AP, but all her classes are all at that level and use AP and honors textbooks
took college biology
Guidance counselor sent packet explaining school curriculum

She worked all four years as a rock climbing instructor
Model Congress, Model UN
Theatrical stage and technical crew manager
Tutor - math & science
Track & Softball teams
Educational Wilderness survival every year with her school
Educational trip to Germany through school
Volunteer hours

Solid essays
What do you think the chances are at each school? I know it may be hard to know since she is not a normal public school student. Thanks!

ACT score is very good for all of the schools listed especially since her major is Geology and not an impacted major. I’m assuming that you listed her UW GPA, and it sadly is quite low for top tier UCs. If the classes she took receives AP credit that bumps her GPA, it will definitely help. Really hard to tell as of now because I don’t know he UC GPA. So for now, I think she could only get into UCSC with relative ease. UCD, UCSB, and UCSD will be pretty tough.

Oh UCSD does not look at you major when determining their decision btw

Calculate her UC GPA.

A UC GPA below a 3.9 will be a tough admit for all the UC’s except UCSC.

Freshman admits for UC GPA of 3.40-3.79
UCB: 2%
UCLA: 3%
UCSD: 6%
UCD: 11%
UCSB: 13%
UCI: 16%
UCSC: 47%
UCR: 64%
UCM: 80%

Freshman admits with UC GPA of 3.80-4.19
UCB: 12%
UCLA: 14%
UCSD: 39%
UCSB: 49%
UCD: 52%
UCI: 57%
UCSC: 83%
UCR: 90%
UCM: 92%

Thanks for the responses! She is holding on to the hope that her unusual HS background allows her to stand out as a candidate and she gets some pleasant surprises.