**Chances?? Please help put my mind at ease**

<p>i didnt say i was going to write an essay about it, i just said my GC wanted to mention the fact in her reccomendation</p>

<p>if its her rec, thats fine</p>

<p>I thought she wanted you to write about it</p>

<p>Even then I think it's a little weird, but I wouldn't argue with my GC.</p>

<p>yeah i didn't have any tutors or anything... in fact, most students don't. i don't think it's as big as a factor as you make it to be.</p>

<p>Yeah, that's true about the no tutors. My son never opened a prep book, was out with his friends til midnight the night before the SATs, and he got a 2330 (800CR/800M/730W). He rarely takes test seriously, even when he should. </p>

<p>Was I p***** at him that night, btw.</p>

<p>the GC just want to make me looked very "un-packaged". i try to look at the rec before she sends it to see exactly what she's going to say</p>

<p>but anyway, any more thoughts on my chances at trinity or pratt?</p>