<p>i really need to know if i have a chance for ED</p>
<p>white male, long island HS, un-hooked</p>
<p>SAT- 1530/2280 (GC wants to write how i got my SAT marks w/o tutors or anything, she thinks that will help)
SATII- 750 Math2, 800 US History, 630 chem
GPA- ~96 unweighted, higher w/o freshmen year, toughest courseload
No rank, top decile</p>
<p>EC's (this is what makes me nervous)
-4 years newspaper, this year Ed-in-chief (i dont know what other schools are like, but this is a MAJOR time commitment, and my teacher rec will show that)
-4 years volunteering every saturday at temple (co-leader), leading services, mentoring kids
(these two are the big ones im passionate about and will mention in essays)
-4 years community service club
-3 years hebrew culture club
-2 years math tutoring
-various other small things</p>
<p>essays: i think they will be excellent
rec's- teachers love me, and one is advisor of newspaper so can write about how much time i spend on that</p>
<p>Good luck with Duke ED... since you are taking the toughest courseload possible and due to your other stats plus your "will-be-excellent" essays ... I'd say that you have a pretty good chance at Duke ED. :)</p>
<p>Hopefully this puts you a little more at ease...</p>
<p>also, i cant decide if i want to apply to pratt or trinity. i read its easy to switch if you change your mind, so does it really matter which i apply to?</p>
<p>You won't be "hurt," but I'm sure it would help to have some strong AP/IB scores. Like, for instance, I'm in Pratt and I only got a 700 on my SAT math, but I had a 800 on SATII Math2 and 5's on all the AP Science and Math tests including calcBC to sort of balance things out and show the SAT1 score was probably just a bad day. Do you maybe have an AP chem score to report with the 630 SATII grade?</p>
<p>I don't agree that your SAT scores will "hurt." 790 in math is anything but shabby.</p>
<p>No guarantees, of course, based only on stats. If you do, in fact, have awesome essays, and they say something interesting about you as person, I think you have a decent shot.</p>
<p>On the subject of Pratt vs. Trinity: look at the course requirements for Freshman year in Pratt before you decide. My son is a freshman in Pratt and currently has 3 lab courses (calc, chem, and programming) and a writing course. It's a pretty intense load if you're not interested in pursuing an engineering degree and are just playing the odds to get in.</p>
<p>i have a 4 on AP B physics (had a bad day), didnt take AP chem (i have two 5's on history AP's, but thats unrelated for Pratt i guess).</p>
<p>this year im taking AP math BC and physics C. if i apply to pratt, but after a year of AP math and physics decide engineering is just not for me, can i switch to trinity immediatley?</p>
<p>1.) The official line from the admissions office: Pratt and Trinity are on average about the same difficulty for admissions, but some individual students may find one or the other to be harder. (Students who excel in English but have trouble in Physics, or vice versa, for example.)</p>
<p>2.) You can make the switch "officially" at the end of the year. Switching from Pratt to Trinity, however, can be done "effectively" after one semester: just stop taking classes in Pratt.</p>
Don't be too sure that your 5's in history are "unrelated" to Pratt. I don't think that they are blowing smoke when they say that they want all-around capable students. But I may think that because our freshman Pratt student also did well on the history APs. The real question is: where do you think your interests lie?</p>
<p>Well, I do think the 630 is a mild liability. The good news is that you don't have to retake that one; you just have to take some SAT II - bio, physics, etc. If my own experience (seven years ago now) holds true, chem is the hardest SAT II out there.</p>
<p>i signed up for the physics sat2 on oct. 14 but i really would rather not take it because i'd have to review everything over the weekend, but if i have to i have to</p>
<p>You have good stats, but DO NOT write about your SAT score. Lots of kids take the SAT without tutors. That would make a horrible essay topic (if you were going to make it an essay), and it looks like you are trying to boast about your score.</p>