Chances Please

<p>Out of State; 3.53 unweighted, 3.75 weighted GPA (Honors classes A= 4.5 B= 3.5 etc.)
30 ACT Composite with writing; 34 English, 32 Math, 25 Reading, 30 Science
4 AP classes by the end of senior year
Doubled in honors science classes every year except this year, honors history all 4 years, doubling up honors math this year (AP Stat and Calc), 5 years of Latin
3 on AP US Gov test, 4 on AP Chem and Comparative Pol. </p>

Track and XC until 2009
Mu Alpha Theta, NHS, Tri M, Symphonic Orchestra, School community service group, St. Louis All Suburban Orchestra,
Volunteered at Barnes Jewish Hospital for 65 hours summer 2009
Volunteered in lab at Washington Univ in St. Louis for 240 hours summer 2010</p>

<p>Thank you</p>

<p>Seems like you have a fair shot at it. Alot of volunteer work</p>