Chances, please

<p>White male, Private School, CA, Does not rank
Hardest courses - 3.85 UW, 4.2 W
680CR, 800M, 670W (1480/2140)
Waiting for SAT II scores
Captain, Varsity Volleyball; Arts Editor, School Newspaper (won award); 400+ Community Service Hours (won award); Leadership Committee, Camp for at-risk Youth; Community service/Spanish immersion program - Dominican Republic (chosen for scholarship)</p>


<p>3.85, 1480, all I can say is that there is no reason why you shouldn't apply.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Thanks, Mondo. Other opinions?</p>

<p>3.85 is really good since u are at a private school IF you are taking the toughest course load </p>

<p>ur SAT is good, but there is no harm in trying to improve it once more... also, write good essays and u definitely have a solid shot... if u apply early decision, i'd be shocked to see u get rejected</p>

faultylogic would definitely not be rejected ED (I think they only reject people that they would definitely not consider competitive in any sense)- either accepted or deferred.</p>

<p>I think its your ECs that will get you in more than your academics. Not saying your academics are a liability, but its just clear where your strength is. I'd agree with the two people above that you have a decent chance ED; I don't want to sound too positive because I've seen/heard of bigger surprises. Good luck.</p>