<p>Applying to cornell ED engineering from one of the most prestigious prep school in the nation (Hotchkiss School).. school mean SAT: 1400 endownment of 365million....... our school sends about 25% of the graduating class to ivies and stanford and many to top LAS like Williams and Middlebury.... </p>
<p>I started going to hotchkiss my sophomore year transfering from a local school in hong kong..my sophomore grade sucks as i was adjusting to the totally new system (my college advisor's gonna explain that in her rec) and i hv strong upswing trend since then......have one of the most vigorous math and science curriculum (ran out of math courses after junior year even school offers up to college 2nd year)...... almost qualified for Mathematics Olympiad last year (7 points from the cut)..... Decent SAT scores...APs and stuff...grades are okay....school doesnt rank....gpa system is kinda wierd so i will just include quintiles here.......
my sophomore year: 3rd quintile ....junior year: 2nd quintile (all unweighted)</p>
<p>SAT I
Math 800 CR 700 Writing 710
MAth2c 800 Chem 800 Physics 750
Toefl: 297
Calc AB(10th grade year): 5
Physics B(10th grade year) :5
Chem (11th grade year) : 5
English Lit (11th grade year): didnt take test</p>
10th grade
AP Calculus AB : A-
Honors Physics(took AP got 5) :: A-
Advanced number theory: A-
Spanish I : C+
10th Grade English: C+</p>
<p>11th Grade
Multivariable Calculus: B+
Linear Algebra: A-
Honors Chem (took AP got 5) : B+
Spanish 2: A-
US History: B+
AP English Lit: B-</p>
<p>12th Grade first quarter projected (i can get it before deadline)
AP Physics C: A
AP Economics: A-
AP Stats: A (only math course i can take)
AP Spanish: A-
Senior English Elective: B-</p>
<p>Math Team Captain
Math Club Cohead
President of Mu Alpha Theta (math honors society) Hotchkiss Chapter
Webmaster of OISCA (An NGO in consulative status with United Nations)
Founder of peer to peer math help program
Physics lower class tutor
Computer Tech Assistant of IT
Chair of 2nd violin of Orchestra</p>
<p>AMC/AIME scores : AMC 120 AIME: 9/15
combined index: 210 (cut off for math olympiad :217)</p>
<p>besides cornell engineering ED
also wants to know chances for engineering in the following
Wash U St Louis
Michigan Ann Arbor
Carnegie Mellon
U of Illinois urbana champaign</p>
<p>I don't really know about ranked highschools...are you international (as in I donno if that school is in SK or the US)? Anyways, everything seems fine expect for the few C's. Show true passion for engineering and Cornell and you just might get in. Best of luck!</p>
<p>with classes like multivariable calc and linear algebra taken your junior year, and given your math 2c and physics scores as well as ec's, im certain you wont have any trouble getting into engineering, and you shouldn't even be posting here. go look at mit and caltech. you're crazy.</p>
<p>Hey, I'm from Hong Kong too, and I was accepted ED Engineering last year. I went to HKIS if you've heard of them. My stats were way lower than yours, I would say that you have a really good chance of getting in. (I had 3.53 u/w, got 800 math, 750 verbal, 620 writing (ugh)) You took very, very many APs, and took multivariable calc in the 11th grade, which is truly impressive. Hotchkiss is a school with a great reputation and I'm sure Cornell knows about the rigor of their academics.</p>
<p>My one piece of advice to you would be to write focused essays - in my opinion you should write essays that show you're dedicated to what you're going to be studying. Obviously, your essays shouldn't be boring but don't write some essay that's interesting, shocking and humorous and nothing else. I feel that the point of the college essay is to show, with some finesse, that you're a serious student, not to entertain the reader or tell them every little detail about your life. I know so many people in my school who wrote risky, "innovative" essays and weren't accepted.</p>
<p>HEy Mister B i am from Hong Kong tooo,
i came 3 years ago and am a senior in High school this year, i am applying to ILR, i slacked off a bit last year having a 89 average right now, but i took 5 Ap courses in total ( only senior who took that much in our school), i have alot of leadership position, and i started a photography club and i am doing peer tutoring for a ILR alumni teacher, he is writing me a rec....do you think that's help too???
i am kind of anxious..... writing my essay right now....=(</p>