Chances Plz

<p>GPA: 4.35 W, 4.0 UW (first in my class of 325 students)
ACT: 32 (does Rice superscore btw????)
Recs: Really Good
White Male from Nebraska
School ECs:
President and Founder of Our School's Science Club (2 years)
Class Rep of SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) for two years, member for 4
E-Club (member for 4 years)
FBLA (Treasurer for 3 years, member for 4)
Quiz Bowl (Unactive team member for 4 years)
Olympus Club (4 years)
Academic Decath (Captain 2 years, member 4 years)
Community Service:
150 hours working at the American Red Cross
75 hours working at American Cancer Society
40 hours working at Lakeside Hospital
250 teaching sunday morning and wensday night church to third and second graders
75 hours aiding the homeless in downtown Omaha
Selected to Represent Elkhorn at Nebraska State Leadership Seminar
Various Regional Academic Decathlon Awards
Won Superior Rating at Elkhorn Band Olympics
Honor Roll all 4 years
I KNOW I will be at least commended in National Merit (fingers crossed for NMSF..cuz its close)
Awards I still hope to receive
Summer Research Internship at UNMC...researching neurogenitive disorders (cool stuff = D) (NOTE: HAVEN'T RECEIVED THIS YET...but my AP Bio teacher who has connections to this programs says I can probably easily get accepted into this program)
Various Awards at science olympiad competitions</p>

<p>Rice does not superscore.</p>

<p>And shouldn’t you already know if you were NMSF?.. or are you a junior?</p>

<p>ya im a junior (I said I spent 4 years in the clubs I know I will be doing next year) …but do i stand a decent change of being admitted?</p>

<p>I think your chances are really good. Lots of ECs. Your score isn’t too bad either. I mean, I would try to raise the ACT to 34 if possible. Also, don’t you need SAT II’s? I applied but can’t remember, haha…</p>

<p>I think being from Nebraska helps a lot, too. There are only 15 Nebraskan students at Rice according to [Rice</a> University | Students](<a href=“]Rice”></p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>For the applicants of the 2009-2010 school year Rice DID superscore. Someone asked this question during the information session at Rice.</p>

<p>i agree with Modulation, you have a really really good chance in my opinion.</p>

<p>just do a good job on your essays and you are set :)</p>

<p>Rice superscored the ACTs? WOW why don’t they tell people this…I had a 34 with a 35 superscored =/ Oh well it probably won’t make any difference.</p>

<p>Rice super scored the last few years too so this is definitely not new. I’m not sure when they began the practice of super scoring though.</p>

<p>I don’t think you need the SAT II’s if you’re using the ACT with writing, but I’m sure they’d like for you to take them anyway.</p>

<p>i volunteer at lakeside too!!! saturday afternoons…</p>

<p>Summer Research Internship at UNMC…researching neurogenitive disorders (cool stuff = D) (NOTE: HAVEN’T RECEIVED THIS YET…but my AP Bio teacher who has connections to this programs says I can probably easily get accepted into this program)</p>

<p>how do you get into this? i live right next to elkhorn high school. i used to go to Mount michael. now iam at millard north. any info about this research thing would be really appreciated.</p>

<p>Too soon. You have another semester to impress Rice haha.</p>

<p>But keep it up and you’ll have a great shot!</p>

<p>hey…its nice 2 see another nebraskan here at CC! I’ll keep this brief bc this is the “Rice forum,” but this year its a little late for the internship…the deadline was back in late March. If you want though, I’d google the Travis B. Lewis scholarship and all the info will be there!</p>