<p>I'm actually really really unsure about what sort of American students get in (and i don't live in the bronx or do science) so i thought I'd post some info so you guys can tell me if I'm close to target. </p>
<p>New SAT's: 2140
Reading: 770
Math: 690
Writing: 680 (which is really too bad because I'm actually quite good at writing)</p>
<p>SAT II's: 760 Lit, 640 Math IC (waiting for retake scores), World History (waiting for scores)</p>
<p>GPA: 3.3, but i go to a strange school where everyone is bright yet most dont crack a 3.5...so let's just leave that as a "N/A"</p>
<p>My school doesnt offer AP's or teach to them, nor do they teach to SAT's or SAT II's</p>
Environmental Science
Writing by Design</p>
<p>Captain of Cross Country, 2 V letters
Captain of Winter Track, 3 V Letters
Captain of Spring Track, 4 V Letters
Head of Op/Eds in school newspaper
Layout editor for yearbook
Internship at a prominent film production co. and a prominant Philadelphia PBS affiliate.
1 Credit earned for Communications course at UPenn
lots of other stuff that I could go on and on about and needlessly embellish, but I don't really feel like it. And from what I hear, McGill doesn't care about these things (do they even ask for them?).</p>
<p>umm...resident of Philadelphia. white though.</p>
<p>thats all I can think of. should I quit my day job in hopes of becoming a college student (gfaw)?</p>