Chances? Thinking of applying ED...

<p>Edison High School (Magnet School in poor Urban Area--recognized as one of top schools in country)
White Male
High-ish income but will request financial aid
Interested in: Social Sciences, Humanities, maybe math (basically everything except for science)</p>

Rank: like 6/500 (top 2%)
GPA U/W: 3.86
GPA W: 4.29
Most rigorous load taken at HS--more APs than any other HS junior
Only one B (AP Chem, which isn't a junior course anyway)</p>

9th: Human Geo (5)
10th: Euro (5), Bio (5), French Lang (5)
11th: (to be taken) English Lang, Chem, Calc AB, Microecon, Macroecon, USH, Psych
12th: (to be taken) Eng Lit, Calc BC, Enviro, Comp Gov, US Gov, Stats?, French Lit</p>

(not yet taken--June '06)</p>

Bio: 690
French: 760
Took USH and Math today...prob got like a 730 on us and a 760 on math</p>

230: 80 M, 78 W, 72 CR
(national merit semifinalist)</p>

--Forensics (Speech and Debate): definitely my favorite activity. i put more effort into it than any other extracurricular, and a lot of times it supersedes my class assignments.
I do: Policy Debate (1st alternate to nationals 2 years in row, league champs, valley champs, #8 in state our first year, #8 second year, cleared at invitational tournaments, various speaker awards)
Extemporaneous Speaking (awards at tournaments, state qualifier and national tournament participant)
plus some other speech events</p>

<p>--KEY Club: Sophomore year Pres, Jr year VP, Senior year Pres
have organized activities at abuse shelters, soup kitchens, and cultural centers, plus fundraisers; also got "spirit award" for division, lol</p>

<p>--Mock Trial (Freshman-Senior): pretrial and trial attorney</p>

<p>--Model UN: various awards, 8th grade-12th</p>

<p>--BackTalk (10-12): the local newspaper I wrote for--has a Sunday circulation of 300,000. paid job</p>

<p>--Tennis: JV 9-10, Varsity 11-12</p>

<p>Other activities: Link Crew, CSF, Human Relations Council, Jewish Youth Group (officer soph year)</p>

<p>Summer Programs:
10: Journalism Program at CSU Fresno
Debate Camp at Michigan State University</p>

<p>11: (hopefully) Dartmouth Debate Institute</p>

<p>Awards: not very many...mainly stuff for debate. Also, got awards for my nonfiction writing at the Young Writers Conference</p>



Only one B (AP Chem, which isn't a junior course anyway)


<p>Saying that a particular course isn't a junior year course is a pathetic way of explaining a less-than-spectacular grade. All APs are technically not high school courses; they closely mirror colleges and the AP tests insure that the courses are up to par with college standards. Do not try to explain away this grade in your essays. The adcom would never take another look at your application because you'd appear as a perfectionist who is too bogged down in studies, granted even though it is still Columbia.</p>

<p>Also, more APs show a rigorous course load, but cramming them in for the sake of them being APs is a poor idea as well. </p>

<p>Your stats are fine. Make sure your SAT is a 2200+ with 700+ in all three. A 2300+ would be a very very safe score. </p>

<p>Since you seem to like communication based on your ECs, I'd recommend talking about that in your essays. Really, you have as good a chance as anyone getting into any of the Ivies, but the subjective part will make or break your decision regardless of what your stats are.</p>

<p>Good luck with Columbia.</p>

<p>You are all around qualified, but you'll need to use your essay to set you apart. If it does, you have a very good shot (ED).</p>

<p>tux, I like that you've already decided to label me as a pretentious prick. I don't take AP's just to beef up my resume...I love learning and enjoy taking challenging courses...and I was never meaning to justify my "less-than-spectacular" grade. I was only saying that to show that I got a B in something that was an advanced venture anyways. They don't allow juniors in AP chem at my school, so I had to work hard to get into the class anyway. Thanks for judging me, though.</p>

<p>Also, thanks snack--I took a look at the app essay, looks pretty generic?</p>

<p>Question is generic, your answer should not be so.</p>


<p>I'm confused about why you got a 690 on the Bio SATII and a 5 on the AP. Also: Are you self studying APs, because you've got 8 listed for senior year. Last I checked most students only took 6 courses (including an elective like an art).</p>

<p>Otherwise, your scores look great. Emphasize your forensics stuff, because that seems to be your passion. Although qualifying for nationals would be better than second alternate, because other kids will have qualified and won.</p>

<p>The loaded AP thing varies from school to school. My school only offers actual AP classes in foreign languages, science, and math. But kids still take them for English and History. And we had the highest number of 5s on AP Lit. in the world last year.</p>

<p>Lots of kids who go to private schools that don't offer random APs (Human Geography and Comp. Gov and English Language) think they're silly because they're not actual subjects one would take in college. We're not allowed to take AP English Language at my school, only Lit, because the english department thinks the language exam is stupid and too easy, so the idea that other schools devote a year long class to it seems absurd to me.</p>

<p>That said, if you're getting 5s, who really cares. Write a good app, and you'll have just as good a chance as anyone else.</p>

<p>The essay is generic because they are really looking for people to shine with their answers. Use the freedom of the question to your advantage!!</p>

<p>If you love Columbia, I encourage you to apply ED.</p>

<p>you're set. it'll come down to the essay[s] and recommendation letters. make sure you really get to know your teachers, those who can attest to several unique qualities of yours. good luck.</p>

<p>Pretty much I agree with the above. The only thing that I can see might be missing are some volunteer hours? I just quickly skimmed it, possible I missed them.</p>

<p>Looks good.</p>

<p>Sorry this was actually me...not tothemaxcleo, that's just an account I made when I was temporarily banned for soliciting AP exams...haha.</p>

<p>Anyway thnks for the comments! I'm nervous about letters of rec...the teacher that REALLY knows me (my forensics coach) always writes really generic letters of rec and often doesn't spellcheck, etc.</p>

<p>Oh and as for volunteering:</p>

<p>KEY Club events that I coordinate
Every summer for the last few summers, I've volunteered at "Stone Soup"--this Hmong cultural integration center. I help with kids at the "Culture Camp," where recent refugees try to get ready for American kindergarten. It's a lot of fun</p>

<p>Finally, as for the AP bio thing--my 690 was a bit unexpected, but it was such a random test. I know bio pretty well, but I missed a lot of esoteric, life goes on</p>

<p>another bump.</p>

<p>also--i'm taking sat iis in fall. i cancelled my may scores, after reflecting on my performance.</p>

<p>so in october i'm thinking i'll take math ii, retake bio, and take one more test...what should this last test be?</p>