Chances to be taken off waitlist?

<p>I love what the U has to offer in terms of the business program however I was waitlisted for fall with no offer of spring term. It is my #1 choice school and I am not very keen on attending another uni for 2 years and then transferring as I believe it's not too late to try again to be accepted for the U.</p>

<p>Is it custom for the admissions officers to conduct any interviews or phone calls to discuss waitlist decisions? Has anyone ever done the above {or other things} and been taken off the waitlist and accepted into the fall term? </p>

<p>Also, has anyone not attemped to contact the school and still got accepted from the waitlist? (Although I'm sure the chances of this happening are slim.)</p>

<p>Thanks for reading.</p>

<p>You should reach out to admissions and make it clear that if taken off waitlist you would commit.</p>