University of Miami Waitlist

<p>anyone get off the wait list for University of Miami?</p>

<p>I haven’t…were you offered spring admission?</p>

<p>Yes ,were you…when do they go to the wait list after may1 ?</p>

<p>I am also on the waitlist. Anyone know when they use it/if they rank and how they rank?</p>

<p>I was accepted today from the waitlist… however I choose Wisconsin over it already</p>

<p>By email? Or phone? What did it say/how long do they give you respond?</p>

<p>is their a priority waitlist i.e. if i am wait listed and accepted for the spring am i a priority over another who is wait listed but not offered the spring</p>

<p>Officially may 1st… Let’s hope we start getting some news ASAP</p>

<p>Does anyone know how they notify you? Is it by email or phone? Or through myum? I’m so anxious to find out already!</p>

<p>I got off and got accepted, so excited!!! HAHA
Though I was not offered spring admission</p>

<p>Congratulations one dragon, how did you find out?? I am on the waitlist too and I’m so anxious to hear, but I received spring admission.</p>

<p>They simply sent me an e-mail with a title of “congratulations from the university of miami”, and then i will have to do a bunch of stuff to respond them.
University of Miami was my last hope(I got rejected by everyone else), but I am safe now.
But I sincerely hope everyone gets off the list.</p>

<p>@tampakm My daughter SIRed to a different university so that’s one slot open to you.</p>

<p>Does anyone know if they send acceptances in waves? Or did they just send a mass email? Wondering if I just got rejected then…</p>

<p>Prep I’m sure they will send them in waves, and thank you krlilies I hope I am able to get a spot. I’ve been waiting for so long to hear</p>

<p>And thanks onedragon it seems like you needed this spot more than me, so I am happy you got it</p>


<p>I was also wondering how they rank the waitlist? For example I applied ED and was deferred/waitlisted, do you think that would rise above others? And do they send email by alphabetical order?</p>

<p>Hardly! My last name starts with a “w”, I shouldn’t get the letter that fast if they were sent alphabetically.</p>

<p>Been a couple days and I still havent heard anything. I’m getting really restless about this haha, have any of you guys heard back in the past few days?</p>

<p>I was accepted to U Miami but can’t go due to financial reasons. I hope they give my spot to one of you fine people. I’m on the wait list for my first choice school, so I know how it feels.</p>