Chances to get into the University of Wisconsin - Madison

<p>Hey everyone this is my first post! I would love to know where i stand in regards to getting admitted into the University of Wisconsin - Madision.</p>

African American
Attend one of the top high schools in the state (NJ)
Junior in High School
Taking Honors History, Honors English, Honors Environmental Science, and AP Photo</p>

<p>Will take Precalc and Physics next year</p>

<p>Have lived abroad, speaks spanish very well. </p>

<p>Gpa Unweighted this year: 3.75 and weighted: 3.83</p>

<p>Will not need any financial aid from the school. </p>

<p>President of my church's Youth Department (help organize events and activities)
member of Do Something club
member of Rotary club
Ran Track and Field
Been taking guitar lessons for 6 years</p>

<p>I'm slowly building up my resume. I took the SAT this May and am currently waiting for my scores so ill add them later.</p>

<p>Thanks everyone! God Bless x</p>

<p>Just a couple of thoughts while waiting for your SAT scores, which will give a clearer picture of your chances. Madison only looks at unweighted GPA. A 3.75 puts you in the vast middle of the pack. Honors classes are not given much weight either as the meaning of “honors” varies from high school to high school. Take more AP courses and score well on the AP tests. Continue to build your resume but don’t just keep adding “member of so and so club.” If you run track, stay on the team. Show consistency and dedication to a couple of activities that really interest you rather than joining a bunch of organizations just to have them on your resume. Good luck!</p>