Chances: Virginia Tech Early Decision

<p>I applied to Virginia Tech for their Early Decision plan. I'm hoping to get into the engineering school. I actually find out on December 15th but have been stressing out a bit lately knowing all the applications I will have to do if I get differed, since the normal deadline is January 1st for most schools. At the engineering informational session, the average engineering student SAT was a 1275 (2 part) and a GPA of 3.83 (not sure on which scale). I also know that usually 50% of early applicants are accepted. Also, many students in the top 25% of my class applied for early decision.</p>

<p>High School: James River High School, Midlothian VA
Rank/(GPA) : 79/515 (4.16)</p>

Math: 630
Verbal: 630
Writing: 610</p>

Boys Volleyball 9-12, Captain 10,12
Beta Club (Service Oriented)
National Honor Society
Future Business Leaders of America
Mu Alpha Theta (National Mathematics Honor Society)</p>

Summer Internship at Afton Chemical learning the business/economic side of the company
10 month job at The Country Club of Virginia as a Cart Attendant</p>

<p>Classes (All Honors):
2 AP (English Language, United States History) and 1 Duel Enrollment (Business Management) - 11th grade
3 AP (English Literature, Calculus AB, Statistics) and 2 Duel Enrollment (Government, Entrepreneurship - 12th grade</p>

Consular (required)
11th grade Trigonometry teacher (optional)</p>

<p>I wrote the optional essay on bringing diversity to the campus.</p>

<p>I'm hoping my chances are good, I'm just a little worried about the number of students from my school that also applied early, many ahead in class rank.</p>

<p>Bump it up</p>

<p>I think you will get in. Best of luck!</p>

<p>If you had applied early decision but to the arts and sciences, I would say that you are in. But engineering is a little different. It may be how they view your SAT math score. One of my son’s friends said that a student needs a minimum 700 on the SAT math for admission, but I cannot find that information on the VT pages. You might want to check with VT.</p>

<p>you’ll get in</p>

<p>This is completely and utterly random, but one of my best friends went to James River. She graduated in '05, though. Still, it’s fun to see something like that!</p>

<p>Anyway, you’re definitely in. Good luck!</p>

<p>Thank you for the comments. As for required SAT scores, the college admissions spokesperson that I talked with said you had to have a minimum 600 on the math section, which may be what your son’s friend is thinking of.</p>

<p>I just got accepted :slight_smile: Thanks everyone.</p>

<p>I’d say in. I live in VA and like, half my school go to Tech, and from people I know who’ve gone there I’d say in, you have good numbers.
But remember it’s a toss up and the engineering program is the most competitive…not to bring you down or anything.</p>

<p>BEST OF LUCK!!!</p>

<p>chance me back?
What are my chances?</p>

<p>Ah, came into this thread to say that decisions were already coming out, but congrats</p>

<p>Congrats shadow rex!!!</p>