Chances? Wisconsin is my first choice...

<p>Wisconsin = Super Duper 1st choice. I was in a Residential Science Program there with grad students and professors last summer, and I loved the departments I saw and came to discover that it's "the place."</p>

<p>The little chart on the website said 10% chance. My dad won't pay the application fee because he doesn't think I'm gonna get in. Neither do I, but are my chances seriously.. 10%?</p>

<p>Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White/Caucasian
Location: Minneapolis, MN
Hooks: None, unfortunately
UW GPA: 3.046
W GPA: 3.097
ACT Composite: 27 (35E, 22M, 27R, 23S)
Class Rank: Top 42%
AP/Honors Classes: Honors US History, Honors English 10, AP English Lang, AP Psychology, Honors Chemistry, Honors Algebra 2, Honors Physics, AP Spanish Lang
(I'm taking Economics, English, and History at a local CC senior year)</p>

<p>EC's: UW-Madison Residential Sci. Program, 2008; Cross Country Running, 7th-12th grade; Track & Field. 9th-11th Grade; Fall Musical, 10th-12th Grade; Peer Tutors, Spanish & Chemistry, 10th-12th Grade; Part Time Job @ Target, 25 hours per week, 11th-12th grade; Positive Role Models, Exec. Chairman and Leader of an anti-alcohol event; Student Ambassadors, one year (9); Band; Trumpet; 9th-10th grade; 3rd Chair; Jazz Ensemble, Keyboard, many improv. solos; Big Brothers and Sisters; 9th-11th grade</p>

<p>-Im capable of writing good essays</p>

<p>-I only plan to have one recommendation, but I think It'll be good.</p>

<p>-Application will be in as early as possible (late september)</p>


<p>EDIT: If my chances really ARE 10%, is there anything I can do now to raise them?</p>

<p>My best guess is that you’ll get postponed and then rejected.</p>

<p>Yeah your chances of admission doesn’t look that great ( even considering my own, with a higher GPA than yours… but lower ACT score). Though since it’s your top choice I would definately at least make the effort to apply.</p>

<p>Since you’re making this into something more than a just chance thread…</p>

<p>I definitely think you should have more than one recommendation. At least two, and two that rock. That’s two different views of you, and two different views that can illustrate your strengths. I would also retake the ACT for that added boost, or even take the SAT to see if you do comparatively better. Did you even take the ACT with writing? Becuase I didn’t see your writing score, and you need to have that.</p>

<p>And because your GPA is going to hurt you (is there a reason it’s so much lower than Madison’s average?), get as best grades as you can first semester senior year. Near, if not at least, a 4.0. Show them that you can and want to do that. Continue it to your second semester, but they’ll want to see those first semester grades for sure.</p>

<p>Pretty standard stuff, but all stuff that will not hurt your chances.</p>

<p>Make the effort to apply. If you end up not getting in, at least you’ll know and not wonder. And you know, if you have to, you can always transfer from another college if Madison is the place.</p>

<p>A big concern is your gpa- unless it is due to poor fr/soph grades with much higher jr grades. Your grades indicate both your knowledge base and ability to do the assigned work. With such low grades you may have trouble succeeding at UW. One way to get there is to have good grades at another college and transfer. You can apply to UW but also plan on other colleges. Pathetique has some good advice- you need the maximum good on your application, via senior grades and more than one recommendation to show others think you can be successful once admitted. Your essays should also indicate why you think you can handle the rigors of UW since your grades don’t. That job seems to be interfering with doing your school work- consider spending those hours studying instead.</p>

<p>Have you taken the ACT more than once?</p>

<p>Have you thought of UW LaCrosse to start with possible transfer to Madison?</p>

<p>Second the postpone, then reject.</p>

<p>It’s still worth applying if it’s your super duper first choice. You never know with these things.</p>

<p>I did think about LaCrosse, but they have the infamous “chart” too, and I only have a 15% chance there.</p>

<p>And Yeah, I took the ACT twice. 27 Both times. 10 writing.</p>

<p>I’mOnABoat, I would think about UW-Eau Claire as well; their chart gives you a 90% chance, and they are only a small step below UW-L. I went there for a year, transferred, and am starting at Madison this fall. It’s definitely possible; I graduated in the bottom half of my class with 2.8 and a GED, although I did get a 34 on my ACT.</p>

<p>Just get really high grades your freshman year (as in 3.5+), and Madison will very likely be more than happy to let you transfer in as a sophomore. It happened to me, and all of my stats (except ACT score) are a lot worse than yours! Good luck!</p>

<p>Sorry, but your GPA is wayyyy to low. If you were at like a 3.4-3.6 I would say maybe. I got in with a 3.82 and my sister got waitlisted last year, but eventually got in with a 3.75 and we both were in honors and AP classes in high school, plus schools.</p>

<p>Wow thanks. I’m aware that the GPA and rank are low. =[</p>

<p>I clicked on “applicant statistics” and everyone had like a 3.9.</p>

<p>I might not even bother applying at this point. It is “out” of reach?</p>

<p>I have a visit scheduled for next week, and I’d rather not visit if it’s not reality.</p>

<p>double post… sorry.</p>

<p>Do rethink your plans- with the combination of grades and test scores you may have trouble being successful as a student. It is not just a matter of being accepted, it is also being able to keep up with other students and the workload. It may be better for you to be at a school where the pace isn’t as intense academically so you can keep your head above water and learn the material in your classes. All of the social life and other extras do not matter if you struggle with the academics. Since you have seen UW you may want to save time and money by not visiting and only apply if you improve your stats.</p>

<p>Yeah my mom and I cancelled the visit. I probably won’t be applying. =/ Unless I get a 4.0 first trimester of senior year…</p>

<p>ImOnABoat-- if the application fee isn’t a problem (or if you can get a fee waiver), apply. Seriously. This is your first choice school and you really, really should apply. Just put in all your effort into your senior year and your essays. Also, try to send in more than one recommendation, like two. ALSO, (haha, sorry for blabbing) go here: [Undergraduate</a> Admissions at the University of Wisconsin-Madison: Meet Your Counselor](<a href=“]Undergraduate”>Counselors and Advisors – Office of Admissions and Recruitment – UW–Madison) to find your admissions counselor for your state/school. Send them an email and try to show them how much you want to go to UW and how much you’re willing to work. Remember, that counselor is going to be looking at your application, so try to create a good rapport with him/her.</p>

<p>I really think it’s bs to say that someone will have trouble as a student, so that’s a reason not to apply, blah blah blah. The key word is “might”. Anyone might have trouble as a student, and that reasoning to not apply is stupid. If he wants to do well, he can do well (in most instances). Yeah, that’s what colleges want, people to do well, but let them make that decision, and possibly give him a chance.</p>

<p>I firmly say you go for it. It is your number one school, so why the heck not? Be fabulous your senior year. Show them you want to be there. Rock your essays, get more recommendations. Don’t let these Debbie Downers tell you not to apply, because that’s stupid. Yeah, your chances are not that great. So what.</p>

<p>So go for it. What’s the harm in it, other than 45 bucks? You will always wonder if you don’t.</p>

<p>^ Thank you to the last two posters.</p>

<p>Who are some of you people to say that I wouldn’t be able to handle the academics at UW? You don’t know me, or what kind of student I am. It’s impossible to judge someone’s academic potential based off a few “stats.” I’m pretty confident that I can do well where ever I go, thank you very much.</p>

<p>Still don’t know if I’m going to apply though. I’d rather not apply and never know than apply and get rejected.</p>

<p>^ You are young. Regret is a very bitter pill. Do yourself a favor, apply.</p>

<p>Boat, I agree with you. This is an interesting forum on CC in that there are a few fairly judgmental types who love to weigh in pretty heavily not just on the question of “will I get in?,” but “will I succeed?” which is hardly ever the question being asked. How they can know who will withstand The Rigors is anyone’s guess. Certainly it overlooks the fact that any student is capable of dramatic changes in focus and dedication between the ages of 15-17 and 19-22 and does, as you see, reduce this question of success to the evaluation of typically two numbers: ACT and GPA.</p>

<p>That said, these same people are pretty knowledgeable about the school and can be a great resource if you know which of their posts to ignore and which to heed.</p>

<p>One thing that you will almost never read in this forum is that — shhhhh — there are other schools besides UW and some of them, hopeless though they may be, may actually fit some students better than UW does. In the span of 24hrs, UW went from being my son’s far and away first choice to being a second choice because he visited another school without enrollment limitations in the major of his choice.</p>