Ethnicity: Asian Male
Location: New York
School Type: Moderately Competitive Medical Magnet High School
Intended Major: Biology/Chemistry or Computer Science/Engineering</p>
3.1 UW</p>
<p>SAT I :
Critical Reading: 740
Mathematics: 780
Writing: 740
<p>SAT II:
United States History: 750
Physics: 790
Math Level II: 780</p>
<p>Extra-curricular Activities:</p>
<p>H.P.R.E.P. (Health Professions Recruitment and Exposure Program) at
Joan and Sanford I. Weill Medical College of Cornell University</p>
<p>R.E.A.D.Y. Program (Responsibly Employed And Dedicated Youth)</p>
<p>Leadership Positions:
Treasurer of Student Government (11)
Founder of the Chess Club
President of the Chess Club</p>
<p>Club Activities:
Member of the Health Sciences Club (11,12)
Member of the Social Wellness Club (12)</p>
<p>Instrument :
Experience Playing Piano (8 years)
Experience Playing Harmonium (10 years)</p>
<p>Work Experience :
Private Student Tutoring in literacy, grammar, and mathematics (9,10)</p>
<p>Community Service :
220 hours for Website Design
30 hours as Teacher's Assistant</p>
<p>College Now Courses at York College : (11)
PSY 102 : Introductory Psychology B
POL 103 : Politics and Government in the United States *
College Now Course at Borough of Manhattan Community College :
CHE 110 : General Chemistry *</p>
<li>Will be completed before applications are due.</li>
<p>Senior Year Schedule: (Most rigorous schedule possible)
AP Biology
AP Calculus AB
Honors English IV
Participation in Government/Economics
POL 103 : Politics and Government in the United States (CUNY York)
CHE 110 : General Chemistry (CUNY BMCC)</p>
<p>Do I have any chance at Carnegie Mellon? Also, it would be gladly appreciated if you could suggest solid safety, and match schools. Thank you for your help!</p>